Saturday, April 27, 2013

Closer Faster


26/04/2013 - Friday

Today was fun other than working during daytime. Work was ehhh the same same as always. At night, our Malians group went to Ribs and Rump in the Valley. Met up with Nelison there and Danchi was also there LOL. We didn't know she was coming along :L We booked at 8 but we ended up there at 7:30 since everyone was so bored at home :L Turns out, they had a spare table so they just let us in at 7:30 :) 

Randy, Ronnie, Mande and I shared two full racks of Lamb (Me) and Beef while Tony got a full rack of pork for himself. The five of us ended up swapping around pieces of our rack so we all tried some of each type of meat :) It was sooo yummy ! Abit exxy but worth its price :) Onomnomnom ! Take me there again ! Good feed :) 

After filling our tummies with delicious foods ! We all headed back to Ronnie's place for games night. I told Denis to drop me off home so I could take my brother car since I was either gonna go gym or home early :L 
Drove to Ronnie's and we made chocolate fondue since Ronnie's have the fountain :) It was soo cool ! Taste so gooood ! Strawberry with Chocolate :) Yum yum ! 

We chilled around and played with the Piano before starting games night. First game was articulate but then it got boring since Randy quit half way :L Played one round of Mafias before Ronnie's parents woke up so we ended up leaving at like 12ish. Mafias was good but it was quite hard since Danchi haven't played with us yet so we couldn't tell if she was evil or not :L Good night !

I ended up not going home early or gym hahaaha. Drove Hannah home since she lived the closest to me. 
Got home and ended up staying awake watching anime :( I am such a bad boy :( Someone make meee a goodie pleasee !

27/04/2013 - Saturday

Work today was better than yesterday. Chilled with Tony and Ronnie :) also played boy with little long :) It was funny too how he threw the soft ball and it hit a lady head :L Had a good talk with Anthony tonight :) Nothing else excited happened today in my life :( 

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