Monday, April 15, 2013

Cosmo's Midnight

So today was unexpected..... Woke up really early and got ready for Tafe. Made my own lunch and prepared everything ! Leon picked me up and off to tafe we go ! Got there and found out that our timetable changed and we don't start till tomorrow so we ended up going home lol. Fml ! Woke up early and everything for nothing :( Got home and I couldn't decide whether to go watch a movie with some of the 2dn guys or take a nap. Decided to take a quick nap. I think I slept for 10 mins until Randy called and asked me to go to city with him and Mande. Got woken up so I ended up going with them. 

Bus'ed it there and first stop we made was to go grab fabric for our cosplay. Spent awhile at Lincraft trying to find the right colour and type of fabric  We had to wait for Ronnie to finish his exam before we ate so we bum'ed in the cosplay store. 

Afer bumming for so long, we ended up at Starbucks when we met John there. John was waiting for Tien while we were waiting for Ronnie. We ended up talking to each other for awhile until we left John and went for lunch. Didn't know what to eat lol Ended up in Winter garden and everyone just got what they felt like eating. Hanaichi <3

Went shopping abit afterward for more cosplay stuff then Cas just to get Bus/food money back. We all lost LOL. Came home and I was so tired but I had to go pick up my dad then pour petrol. 

I really need to clean my room before my mum tell me too :( It's so messy right now ! Gaaah ! Someone clean it for me pleasee ! I will repay you somehow ;)

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