Monday, April 8, 2013

Kaori Alive

Fishing in the rain like a boss ! 

05/04/2013 - Friday

Went to work which was okay ! It was the same same as usual. Later on during the night, went to pick daddy up from work then headed over to Kevin le's and denis to pick them up. Off to Randy's 19th Birthday party. When I got there, I didn't see that many cars.... thought barely anyone was there since I was coming quite late. Came in and wow ! So many people haha ! 

Typical party with drinks, games and chilling ! The bonfire wasn't that good since no one was even near it lol. Too bad I can't drink that night since I was everyone dd ! Drove to Tien's place so she could drop her car off and drink at Randy's. Oh and the food there was alright, he managed to pull through with that much different food he was cooking haha. I went into hyper/high mode for awhile since I took coke but it only lasted a while. 

Found out later on that Tina girl was gone so Mande and I had to take care of her for most of the night... Kevin also took care of her. Hong left the responsible to Kevin and me to take her home so yeh, I offered to take her home since she couldn't go home sober.... next minute, she stayed back at Randy's and slept there LOL... Sighh I was meant to go home early since I have a wedding tomorrow :( Afterward that we found out she isn't going home, I was planning to go home then Hannah died out and needed to sober up... gg ! Another person to take care of haha. oh btw, Randy got so fcked up haha ! Drew all over his face ! He finally has eyes now !! 

Stayed back and played cards until 2ish. Chilled for awhile. When we got Hannah to my car, Tony came out of nowhere and hopped into my car.... Anthony and I had to pull him out lol. It was a good party I must say minus the non drinking part :( 2dn really wanted me to drink but sigh ! 

06/04/2013 - Saturday

Woke up super early and got ready for the wedding ceremony ! Drove all the way to Mango Hills. My mission was to received the Pig and carry it inside the house ! It was quite heavy LOL Pigs are heavy !! After the ceremony, stayed back and had lunch there ! The food was good ! Came home and napped until it was time to go to the wedding at night. We went to Parklands in Sunnybank ! My mission again was to bring the guest to their table and get them seated in ! Mission accomplish but we had a slight problem lol. A couple was invited to the wedding but their bought 5 of their kids.... awkies ! The food at the wedding was good ! 

I was siting next to my old teacher that I hate... awkward ! LOL. Talked to him abit ! Also met some new people there :) The wedding was quite good and romantic :) Congrats Tracy and Trong ! 

07/04/2013 - Sunday

Woke up and since our Thieu Nhi plan was cancelled, a few of them asked me what is happening today and I had no idea. So Phap and I decided to go fishing at North Pine. Tham and her brothers and sister came. Johnnie, anh Tuyen, Anh Phuong and Phuc was there too ! We only managed to catch small fishes though but still good ! It rained haha ! Fishing in the rain like a boss yo ! 

After fishing, I went to church then afterward, went out to eat with a few of the Thieu Nhi peeps at Nando's since my parents was at a party and told me to get my own dinner somewhere lol. We just talked haha it was funny ! 

08/04/2013 - Monday

Stayed home and watched some of the new anime and slept all day like a bear :) After church, went with my family, Thu's family and Cha Ho to Little Lamb to lamb out ! ONOMNOMNOM ! So much food ! YUM ! 

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