Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Sorrow song

Last day of my holidays and I took Thu and Tai out today using Thu's car. We ate Sushi at Oishii then headed to Sunnybank Town plaza for desserts. Couldn't decide whether we should eat Berry Me, Coco Jungle or Meetfresh. We ended up getting more Sushi for Tai then ate at meetfresh since we saw that they have a new menu there now and yaaay ! They have waffle now ! Yum Yum ! After Meetfresh, we still have room for more dessert so we headed to Berry Me for healthy yogurt ! :) 

Went back to my place to chill before we head out to watch a movie. Picked up Huy then drove all the way to Brown Plains to watch Jack and the Giant Slayer. Got there quite early so we ate a few snacks and shopped around. The movie went on for long and it was okay... wasn't what I was expecting though... really crappy ending :( Yaay ! Finally bonding time since our other four cousins are oversea on holidays lol

Drove Huy home and ended up at Thu's place and chilled there for awhile. Her parents had dinner already so they told us to go get dinner ourselves. We ended up at Pho99 since it was close lol. 

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