Sunday, April 14, 2013


Happy 19th Birthday Sang !!
13/04/2013 - Saturday

Today was quite fun except for the boring part at work lol. After work, came home and got ready to go to Sang's. Brother took his car out so I had no car :( had to get Hannah car lol so I walked over to Hannah's to get her and her car LOL  We picked up Randy, Mande and Teresa. Made a quick stop by at a Liquor store to get Sang a Black Label as a gift.

Got to the party and we thought we were late but we really aren't that late LOL since they are also people who came alot later like always :L The party was good ! First, we just ate and munch on the Cow on the spit.  Then started the Alchy drinking ! I wished I could had drank... It seems so boring not being able to drink with the group :( DD right here ! Forever Designated Driver lololol. Took Teresa home early since she needed to be home early. Mande came with me. We stopped by at mine then I gave her a driving lesson. First time she drove a manual :) She stalled quite alot but after a while, she got the hang of it and even drove back to Sangs LOL. I just had to change gear for her though.

Oh and I heard Hannah singing the whole night LOL. It's always her and her singing :L And omgawd ! Tony was so fcked up hahah ! It was funny ! He kept saying " I am fine" but in reality, he isn't LOL Yacked so much and we even had to tuck him into Sang's bed LOL He looks like a little baby all tucked up :L Took care of him and also placed a mark on his arm to remind him who took care of him haha
After the party, a few of us helped clean up. 

While driving home. Hannah asked me if I should take my P's off since it was past 11pm and I am driving with a full car. I told her to take it off. 30 seconds after taking it off. I took a turn at a give way intersection... there was a in the distance... Randy said "Nek minnit, undercover cops car" LOL He jinxed it man ! Right after I took the turn, I saw red and blue lights flashing behind me .... :( so I pulled over and stopped but the cops car drove past me and stopped flashing.... :) I am so glad we took of the p's plate and I was driving a swift :) No one pulls over a swift :L If I had the p's plate on, that would be gg to my license ! two offences, driving more people after 11pm and driving with no plates :( = gg ! Dropped everyone home then took Hannah's car back to mine :)

14/04/2013 - Sunday

Barely any leaders came to Youth today so Thang and I had to take the class by ourselves :( We played alot more games than usual though LOL Me teaching = more games ! After youth, I drove to Hannah's to return her car then walked out to Inala to meet a few of the leaders for lunch. We ate at Bluefire Grilled and yaaay ! Steak ! Yum Yum ! Chilled out there and talked for a while. Came home and watched a few animes then just fell asleep LOL. Woke up and feeling so much energy ! And hello tafe tomorrow ! Are you ready to deal with Lammie again? Cause I am coming to take you down this time ! 

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