Thursday, April 4, 2013

Fly to love

Orange snail ! 
Last night, at around 2am, I felt something crawling on my legs so I jumped out of bed and turned on the light as fast as I could... turns out it was a very small mouse. So we decided to play a Hide n seek game. The mouse was hiding while I was the seeker. My goal was to hunt it and capture it so it wouldn't move so I could leave it outside the house. 

We played the game for an hour and I was using a fly hitter as my weapon. In the end at around 3:30 ish, the  mouse fled outside my room and so I gave up and went to sleep. Oh dammit, wasted an hour of my sleep time and I failed to capture it.., Man vs Mouse... Mouse 1, Man 0  I will have my remactch against it sometime soon ! He's going down ! oh I managed to land one hit on it but it didn't stop moving and hid away from meee dammit ! Why is there so many stuffs under my bed and in my room ! WHY!?

Well, today I woke up and had to make lunch for myself again since there was nothing to eat. Spent my day pretty much like every other boring day. Staying home and watching movies... So boring ! oh well, this is what holidays feel like. 

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