Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Arcade

The whole class was so productive for the first 4 hours of tafe :) It was really good ! Everyone just got down and did their individual work on the computer :) Maybe doing work is alot better than sitting and listening to the teacher talk for hours. I haven't enroll yet so I couldn't log into the computer but my friend logged on for me :) Thanks ! 

During lunch, we watched abit of "The Three Amigos" It was just a stupidity funny movie :L Our next class for four hours was a long as boring lecture so Trent, Leon and I skipped it and went to watch Iron Man 3 :) Yeeee ! IRON MAN ! The ads went on for so long though. Ads was like 25 mins lol. Longest ads EVA ! The movie was good ! I liked it ! It could had been better though ! Expected it to be better but still good :) 

Five days weekend? I think so !  YAAAAY ! No tafe until Tuesday ! Planning to clean my room tomorrow if I don't go out anywhere :) Need to be more productive and I need learn dance asap ! Gotta get down to it ! 

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