Monday, April 1, 2013

J Reborn !

Fireworks during mass ! :) There was more in the background but welcome back Jesus ! 
30-03-2013- Saturday

Woke up and everyone left for work so I was home alone. It was quite boring then Hannah and I decided to go watch a movie since I could take her car out. We asked the group if they wanted to go but only Randy and Anthony was free since it was a really really last minute thing lol. Drove to Indro in Hannah's Swift. Got there and we ate before we watched G.I Joe Retaliation It was an okay movie ! Alot of actions ! 

After the movie, we stopped by DFO at Jindalee for some shopping before we headed home. Got home and I was kinda late for church so I took a quick shower and wore my Thieu Nhi uniform then headed to church. Got there and got all the kids to line up since we were walking the Bishop up. Sat in our reserved sitting. Church was long and awesome fireworks in the middle of mass :) Jesus is resurrected ! It was a long 2 hours of church. Congrats Rebecca, Minh and Anh Dai on becoming Catholics ! :) Welcome to the family !

After church, we had a small dinner there and I was playing around with most of the kids. We ran around so much ! I was so tired ! Afterward, some of the Dt's and Ht's went to Big Gun Yum cha and we ate there. A few of us afterward, headed to Market Square for desserts then we went and played Pool. Got home late and stayed up watching Anime

31-03-2013 - Sunday

I was going to go to the coast with my family but then the weather looks crappy so we stayed home instead. Went out to have lunch at inala with family. Family bonding ! yay ! Afterward, mum and I went out to check Ronnie's store then home we went. Got home and slept until it was time for church. After church, the girls wants me to take them out... I told them I am going home. They even went to my parents and asked them if they could take me out.... dammit ! So Johnnie took most of the girls with them since I ran away and went home. Got home and took the car and went to pick up Vivian then we met everyone at Oxley Maccas before deciding where to go. We decided to go to Sunnybank to eat. While driving, the other car wanted to go watch a movie, but I have already seen the movie on Saturday so Vivian and I just went to eat while the others went to watch le movie. Vivian and I couldn't decide on a place to eat so we just walked around. When we decided to eat at Mos Burger, it started to close so we ate at Cafe Mi. Just talked and chilled I guess. Dessert at Berry Me afterward :) Drove Vivian home since we couldn't wait for the others anymore.

1-03-2013- Monday

Slept in :) Yaaay ! First time sleeping in, in ages ! Loved it ! Spent my day at home watching anime and drama haha it's starting to get boring since I am running out of stuff to watch :( Another two weeks of holidays :) It better be fun !  

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