Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lemme out !

ARGHHH ! Lemme out ! OPPS !
WOOO ! YAAAY ! Tafe is the best said no one ever ! It was so freaking boring ! I died :( Spent most of the time trying to stay awake ! Although it was fun to catch up with tafe friends :) Funny how some of them went to a party and got fully smashed :L

Left tafe quite early since Leon wanted to go Sunnybank and met up with Hoa, Denne and Jack for a movie. I had to go with him since he was my lift home :L We met up with them and decided to watch Oblivioon, at first I thought this was gonna be a good movie but it was super boring ! Arghh ! Jack ended falling asleep at the ending and he was snoring... LOLOL Hoa and I was like whose snoring... then we turned to Jack and Lmao ! 

After the movie I went home and ate a quick dinner before going to Andy's place in Springfield lakes for a TN-BQT + Upper Ht's meeting. It was such a long meeting but we managed to cover alot in so it was good ! Three hours gone like that haha. 

The rain/mini-storm today was weird ! There was such a small black patch of clouds lol and bam ! Lightning ! I really wanna stay up tonight and watch some anime but I had tafe tomorrow morning :( Nek Minnit, I stay up anyways lololol

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