Monday, April 22, 2013


^My car ! Reason why I bought it lololololol
 20/04/2013 - Saturday

Woke up and got my cosplay ready ! Went over to Vy's so she could do my cosplay makeup. Afterwards, we took a long trip down to the coast for Supanova ! It wasn't that great this year since I went with Johnnie and Vy instead of my normal cosplay group :( Still better than doing nothing at home. We spent our whole day there then cas abit before we left home. Walking around woollies with makeup on LOL. Most of the old people were avoiding me cause of my sword.... they thought it was real hahahaha

Got home and I just wanted to stay home but instead Mymy and a couple of others dragged me out of the house and we went to Sunnybank for dessert. Snowice and Ice cream ! Johnnie got me coffee and he knew that I quit coffee... Thank you Mymy for eating it for me and sharing me with her taro :) Oh and thanks for letting me lay on your thigh ! It was so comfy ! Came home and I was meant to finish counting money and write up stuff to teach tomorrow but I just died and fell asleep lol

21/04/2012 - Sunday

Went to Youth and did the usual there. Afterward, a few of us stayed back and learn some dance since we would need to perform for our LBM event. Thank Steven to teach us some moves ! We tried to pop alot to this kinda hardish dance but we couldn't cause a team so we changed songs into learning Wedding Dress. Still need heaps of practice but we will get there ! 

After dancing, Anthony and I haven't ate anything since breakfast but we had to go check out a car that I liked. Went to pick up my dad and hoa and off to the sexy car ! Got there and the owner was Chinese and his english wasn't that great LOL. The car looks good but it needed some minor fixing up. We tried to bargain it down but we only managed to get it down by $1000 and a 6 month rego :) I bought it ! Yaaaay ! New caaar ! Can't wait to take it home ! Left a deposit though, should pick it up in like a week time :) Caaan't waiiit ! Omg ! 

Got home and Anthony and I rushed to the Kitchen and made our own sandwiches ! We really need a girlfriend :( Need someone awesome to make a sandwich for meee ! Someone pleasee ! Ate and chilled then I went to take a shower... came out of the shower and evveryone was at my house LOL. Well not everyone but most of the dt's and even Andy lol. Decided to go eat at Sunnybank so we drove around picking up others who wanted to come. Got there and there was no resturarant that can fit a big group so we ended up Yum Cha :) Yaay ! Onomnomnomnom ~! 

After eating, we went for dessert and chilled for awhile until half of the group went home and the other half went to pool ! I, being a good boy and wanting to save money to give to my dad for the car, decided to go with the people who went home :) Got home and watched One Piece with Andy and that was pretty much my night. 

22/04/2013 - Monday

Woke up early and headed to Springfield Lakes with Mymy. Dropped the car at Andy's place and the three of us, went for a jog around the lake. Came back to Andy's house and chilled for awhile until we all went back to Inala. Got home and watched a few anime before I took heaps of Naps LOL Woke up so many time and did some chores then just went back to sleep. Repeated that so many time :L 

That was pretty much my monday ! oh and I practiced abit of dance at home which was productive :) 

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