Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Drove brother to work again and arggh it's so early lol. Took his car to tafe and omg ! There was no one there when I came lol. Everyone else came late hahaha. Typical tafe students. Left tafe half way through to go pick up Hoa then he came over to mine and slept lolol. That's Hoa for yooou ! 

Went to pick up my brother and dad then the seller of my car came to my house. Bought the car officially ! Yaaaay ! Afterward, did Insurance asap then took my baby out for a test drive :) Drove to Super Cheap Auto with Hoa to fix up a few minors things. Thang wanted to wash his car so we met him at the car wash in Oxley then yeeee ! Washing our babies :) I haven't got the chance to clean the inside of the car but I will defs do that tomorrow :) 

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