Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Other Side

In the morning, I drove daddy to work then went around the stores taking photos of the one who donated to Thieu Nhi for our LBM. Got balloons and hall decorations for the boys to set up. Chilled with Tien while she worked for awhile. 

Afterwards, I headed home and watched anime before picking Hannah up for gym. Dropped by Forest Lake target to get a maroon shirt for dance. I rarely go to Forest Lake to shop around even though it's so close to Inala. Need to go there more often :L 

Later on during the night, Andy, Phap, Johnnie, Td, Linh came over to practice our skit while Td was doing his drawings. Rehearsal was okay lol. Also got my daddy involve to be one of the characters. During rehearsal, we took a five minutes break which then turns out to be half an hour debating about One Piece :L Ohgosh ! This group loves One Piece hahah. We could keep talking about it forever ! When we got back down to rehearsal again, we also talked about One Piece for like 10 mins ahaha.  ONE PIECE <3

After rehearsal, we sat down and just talked and chill pretty much. I gotta relearn my lines at work tomorrow :( Gotta work hard to be the best that no one ever was ! 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Vegas Girl

Omg ! The view is amazing ! 
Today was an okay day. First of all, I went out to Inala with my mummy before Tafe to finalize my Passport and also did mummy's passport. YAAY ! We got our passport chopped up and now, we are just waiting for our new ones to arrive in the mail. 

Drove to Tafe afterward and the three classes today was just classes about doing our assignment and the teacher was just there.... It was pretty useless since we could had been at home doing this but you know me, I wouldn't be doing work at home so I stayed back doing my assignment like a good boy :) 

Skipped one of my class to go visit Tuannie. But before visiting him, I drove Mark to the Stake park in Runcorn then omfg ! Got stopped by three trains ! I was pretty much in the car for 10 mins doing nothing :( Went and picked up Vivian then we went to say Happy Birthday to Tuannie ! 

When we got there, I couldn't drive into the cemetery since my car was too low :( so I parked outside. First off, we went to visit my Grandparents and I also pee'd on the tree infront of them since I always do that ! That is like my tree now ! My tree has my essence for my grandparents to smell :) 

When we got to Tuannie grave, Anh Khoa was there with a couple of others who went to visit him also ! There was food and birthday cakes on the grave :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROO ! I MISS YOU <3 ! After the visiting, got maccas for Vivian and drove her home. Came home and rest up and did some of my assignments. Fell asleep for like five mins while watching anime :L

Hope you guys are all doing good with your exams and assignments ! Bai Bai~!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Went out to Inala to get my passport photo taken and I was about to hand in the application but, I forgot to bring my Birth Certificate so I couldn't :( I am booked again at 9:30am for tomorrow. Headed to tafe right after I got my photos. 

Tafe was quite boring but I managed to do heaps of work before I headed home early ! Finished one assignment ! Wooo hooo ! Five more to go :( Came home and did the Healthy Cup Vouchers for Thieu Nhi with Phap. We planned more on the stage then he went to pick up Tham from work. 

He came back later on since we needed to make the bus. Mymy's had the cardboards at her place so we went over there to grab it and came back to mine to do it ! The bus is looking good but we forgot to paint it so we will do that another time. It was so funny when we were trying to make the bus hahaha. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Somebody To Touch

Today, my plan was to go to DFO first thing in the morning, then go home and clean my room and do the Thieu Nhi stuff then tafe. Practice dance at night but sadly, my plans changed :( I ended up going to DFO but I picked Pumba up on the way since he wanted to go too ! We ended up shopping abit and I spent $90 :( OMG ! So much ! 

Afterward, we drove to Corinda to eat at the Tavern there ! It was a good feed ! Didn't know what to do after but we decided to go to Goodna, but while we were driving, we ended up driving to PA hospital to visit Ai-Van. Once I parked my car, called her, she said she left the hospital already.... omfg ! That drive and petrol :( I skipped tafe :( I know ! I am a bad kiddie ! Sighh :( Someone kill mee for being rebel ! 

Drove all the way to Goodna to visit Anh Khoa at work. While we were bumming there, Toan, Hoa and Chung came so we just chilled inside that small shop for ages :L Came home and took a quick nap before I had to go pick my daddy up. Andy came over and had dinner with us until Phap came over and we started doing our skit for LBM. It was funny and good ! Sadly, I am in the skit and I have to do alot of Viet talking :( 

Can't believed what I planned to do, didn't turn out :( I still have to learn a dance and teach the dance tomorrow :( 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Bad Girl

I am coming future meee ! 
Nothing excited happened today. I did quite alot of work at Tafe today since the teacher gave us four hours to work on our assignment. Normally, I would go home if he told me that but I stayed and got alot done :) Even though my partner, Leon wasn't there, I managed to do alot :) Yay ! 

I worked really hard at the gym today :)  So proud of myself ! I've been slacking alot ! Need to get back into shape asap ! GO HARD OR GO HOMEEEE ! It rained today :) Yaaay ! My car is clean again hahaha ! 
There's alot of work for me to do tomorrow but I have a feeling, I might get lazy and don't do much ! Gotta get everything done tomorrow so I don't last minute it again :L 

Today is a day of hard work I must saaay ! Well, not really hard work but I weren't that lazy which is a good thing for meee :) 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Lumen colour

I am too lazy to proof read so sorry :( 

 17/05/2013 - Friday

Work was really cold ! Didn't bring a jumper and I wore short pants :( After work, I went over to the church, to drop the keys for the guys who were dancing and preparing for LBM. Chilled there for awhile before I picked Hannah up and headed to Hong. It was a masquerade party and I forgot about masks, so I bought my Iron-man one and my horse head one :) Stole Hieu's mask later on though. The party was alright. Consist of chilling, dancing (Justdance) and drinking ! Unfortunately, I was driving agian so I can't drink :( 

18/05/2013 - Saturday

Being a Peon at work :( After work, I took the little cousins out for Deep Fried ice-cream at Forest Lake. Also drove Vi to her party since she came over to mine asking for a lift there. After having dessert, took them home then headed to Anh Phap's place to do our fire experiment. It was goood ! The mixed I created was good but sadly, it destroyed the fire afterward. Johnnie came then Kien came afterward. Took them for a ride around the streets. 

19/05/2013 - Sunday

Youth was the same same I guess. Afterward, I came home and had lunch then I had to go back to trung tam to get the speakers but, the NS was still using it so I waited for them to finish. Drove some of them home then took a nap at home. Phap came over and we did some research on some chemicals for our fire. Went to Bunnings and all we could get was, a spotlight for camp. Didn't find any chemicals :( Also got wires for camp and LBM. 

We went back to Trung Tam to meet up with some of the other Ht's and Dt's. They were practing their dance while I was setting up the light. I later then, had to practice their dance and become a backup for them :L Hoa and I was so hungry to we went to Maccas to get food. Got our food and drove back to trung tam until we found out, maccas didn't gave us our burgers..... we had to drive back to get it zzzz. Crappy Maccas ! After the dance, I called for a technical team meeting and we planned out what to do :) It's gonna be amazing ! 

Everyone then went to Sunnybank to eat but Hoa and I decided to go to Mymy's LOL When we got there, we parked behind a car and later we found out, inside that car was Mymy and Linda LOL. Went into her house to chill while watching them guys eat. Helped her mum fix this radio and repaired it for her. It was fully smashed LOL. Had to tape everything up ! Killed some roaches aswell. Afterward, Mymy, Hoa and I went up to Sunnybank to meet the others for dessert. We had snow ice.

20/05/2013 - Monday

Anh Phap, Johhnie and Hoa came over then we went to Spotlight to get the stuff for our awesome stage. Spent quite some time there LOL. Couldn't find any chemicals at Mitre 10 though :( Went to Inala to eat at Anh Long's place then went to Hoa's daddy place to get some stuff then home we went ! 

21/05/2013 - Tuesday 

Went to tafe today and did two unexpected exam and I managed to pass it :) Drove to Sunnybank during break to get some Chicken Curry :) I think I am sick today but that isn't stopping me from gyming or doing anything ! I AM STRONG ! Sickness won't affect me alot ! 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Remember my name

Had a late start for tafe today which was good but I didn't get to sleep in since I had to drive daddy to work :( Went to tafe to study then exam ! It was easy but I had a few simple mistakes but still managed to pass :) oh and my teacher snapped at one of the students since they called him a liar :L His words were " YOU CAN DO YOUR COURSE AT SOME OTHER CAMPUS IF YOU'RE GONNA CALL ME A LIAR ! NO ONE CALLS ME A LIAR ! " It was funny but everyone had to keep quiet and laugh inside :L 

 And omg, went to gym twice today and it was soo tiring ! Never going twice in a day :L 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Never Lover Boy

Went to pick up Daut during tafe since he wanted to come visit us and find out more information for this other course at tafe. We had an four hour exam and omg ! Most tiring and confusing exam ever ! It was open book and I was mostly on my phone most of the time since the teacher didn't really pay attention to us hehe. It was so boring and it was like a practice exam to see how we were going. My brain died after it though ! So much numbers and calculations ! 

Came home and had a quick dinner before heading to the dentist with the family. While waiting for my brother to be done, Daddy and I walked around Warrigal Square. So many asians haha. Just like another Sunnybank. After the dentist, we took all the car to pour petrol since it was cheap and yaaay ! Daddy paid for my petrol :) 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bubble Butt

Tafe today was so useless and boring ! I didn't learn anything new ! Played on my phone most of the time too ! Why am I so lazy? I came home and all I did was slept :( Get your game on Lammie ! 

Monday, May 13, 2013


Cleaned abit of my room today but I am so lazy to clean the rest of it :( WHY AM I SUCH A LAZYBUM!? Did some stage planning for the LBM stage.. Got a rough drawing which was good ! Also researched abit on the fire I want to do for camp :) Gotta experiment with it soon, quite dangerous but oh well, no pain, no achievements. At night, I drove my mum around to do errands and dropped of breads. I am the bread delivery man around the neighbour hood :L 

Sunday, May 12, 2013


09/05/2013 - Thursday

During tafe, we were meant to do an exam in our next lesson until suddenly, the fire alarm went on so we had to evacuate the building. YESS ! No exam hahaha ! It was my whole plan ! I set the tafe on fire :L lol jokes. We stayed outside the building for like 30 mins until they told us to go home. Came home and omg ! It was so boring ! I walked to Mymy's place with my mum to give her bread then when we got home.

 I let my daddy use my computer since his computer was broken. While he was using the computer, I went and watched a Viet Drama with my mummy :) It was like me and my dad swapped role LOL. Normally I would be the one on the comp and my dad would be the one watching viet drama with my mum. 

While watching, I suddenly feel asleep LOL. Yes, the drama was that boring ! Got woken up at 12 since my parents needed their bed. I wish I was still a child where their carry me to my bed or let me sleep with them :L After i got woken up, it was so hard to go back to sleep :( 

10/05/2013 - Friday

Work was boring :( Went to church and afterward, I was meant to go watch a movie with Johnnie and the boys but instead, Vi and Vivian parents came up to me and was like, You're taking my kids out right.... I am like what? LOL I didn't know what just happened and I ended up having to take them out lol. I am sure I told them that I am not taking them out but for some reason, I got forced ish to. 

While driving to Sunnybank, Anh Phap called me to meet up with him. We got there and waited for Nam. We were all gonna eat at the Jap place but the kiddoes (Vi, Vivian and Nam) went to eat somewhere else instead so it was just me, Tham and Phap eating Jap. 

Anh Khoa and my brother came afterward and we ate Berry Me. Chilled inside the town square until Mymy and Vy arrived. While chilling there, Linh and Hong-Anh popped up out of nowwhere and they also chilled with us. Afterward, It was either go play Pool or head to the Lake at Forest Lake and eat Pizza. We decided pool but when we got there it was so packed and the line was long so we ended up in Forest Lake eating Pizza Capers and Ghost stories again :L 

11/05/2013 - Saturday

Work went quite fast today since I read the manga book I took of Randy :L It's called Barrage and I like it ! Family is first priority :) That was the meaning all the whole manga ! Also downloaded Happy Streets and it's good ! After work, I picked up Pumba then we headed over to Andy's for snacks and Pizza. When we got there, it wasn't snack and pizza but turns out to be a meeting :( It was long ! Afterward, we just chilled around I guess. 

12/05/2013 - Sunday

Woke up early and went down to the cemetary with my family. Visiting Grandparents and Tuannie :) Also, Happy Mother days guys ! Met my Uncle and aunty down there since they were visting my grandparents too ! Came home and went to Thieu Nhi right away. I taught the kids about religion and omg, it was hard to teach it :L Went to get the white boards with Chuong. After youth, I stayed back and watched the Ht dance since we Dt's couldn't practice cause most of them was busy with their mummy ! The ht's headed to Yum Cha afterward but Phap and I stayed back to build the white board up :) Hy sinh at it highest peak ! 

We went to pick up Tham but we came quite earlier then the time she finished work so we drove to the lake at Calamvale and walked around there while talking about the stage set up for the up coming LBM. After we picked her up, we headed for Cafe Mi at Sunnybank for lunch. Came home and church time ! 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Woke up today and realised I start tafe late today :L Drove mummy out to Inala since she needed to go to Doc's so I decided to get a hair cut while waiting. Came home and did the chores and cleaned my room roughly again. roughly = just chuck everything in the wardrobe :L 

While cleaning, I found my sexy car from my childhood and omg ! It's the same car as the my car hahaha ! They are both Toyota Celica ! Bodykit is kinda the same. Same colour too ! Is this a coincidence? My uncle gave me this toy car for one of my Birthday's. I really loved it back then ! Went to tafe after and omg ! It was so boring but I managed through ! Listened to like 1/4 of it though :( It's just waii too boring ! 

Went over to Vi's to drop off something but I ended up giving her a ride to Vivian's place.

^ Toy Car  
^ My car

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


06/05/2013 - Monday

Woke up early and went for a Jog with Mymy. We ran for 6.4 km's without stopping :) Sooo goood ! Came home and drove dad to work. Did most of my chores then I suddenly fell asleep while watching anime. After gym, Randy and I dropped by Myvy's place since it was on the way. We were meant to be there for 5 mins but we ended up for 2 hours.... LOL We just sat in my car and talked for ages. She also gave the car a test drive then I drove around. Good chill sesh :) 

07/05/2013 - Tuesday

Parking at tafe makes my car so dirty :( All that sand and dust at the car park :( I hate you ! Get off of my car ! It was a long day at tafe today but I managed to pull through and kept myself awake :) 

Sunday, May 5, 2013


03/05/2013 - Friday 

Woke up and drove my dad and I to work. Took me so long to find a parking sigh... had to park over at the other side of the shops aka near Ronnie's store. After work, got home and ate abit before picking my dad up from work then I headed right over to Church. Chilled at church after mass then Mymy, Vy, Johnnie, Nam and I went to Richlands tavern to eat steak but it was a buffet so we ended up at the Oxley Tavern instead. Everyone ate except for me cause I had no money :( Problems of getting a car :L 

I took bit and pieces of their left overs though :) Later on, we picked up Pumba then headed to Mt Cootha. Got there and I gave my jumper to Vy since she was cold. Then I was freezing lololol. I am such a gentleman right guys? hahaha I felt kinda sad since My Cootha was like one of the last places I went out with my grandpa :( all that memories just went bam inside my head :( 

04/05/2013 - Saturday

Work today was alot better than yesterday. Chilled with the little Kid long and it was so funny ! We were so bored so we just think up of games on the spot :L Spinning the coins and all that hahaha. Nam came out and chilled with him for abit. 

During the night, I went to the Buddha fest/Buddha birthday? at the temple in Oxley with Mymy, Vy and Johhnie and I drove them :) We only stayed there for abit until we headed to Sunnybank Coffee Square and met up with Phap, Tham and Anh Tuyen. Chilled and talked there until we were hungry so we drove all the way to Big Gun for Yum Cha. After eating all big fat dinner, we drove back to Inala and dropped off Vy and Tham since they wanted to go home then met up at Maccas. Turns out, Maccas at Richlands is closed and you can only drive thur. Met Tai there since he just finished work.

We ended up at the Lake in FL. Let Phap test out my car and omg, he rev'd it haha. Even I haven't done that :L Chilled by the lake and talked about ghost stories and other stuff. It was so funny :L We ended up talking about shit and toilets in Vietnam hahahaha. 

05/05/2013 - Sunday

Church in the morning was sooo long ! Vi and Thang come over and I rushed and got the songs half done ish :( we didn't have enough time after church to do it. Got to youth and it was the usual thing. Taught them and played games :L Afterward, practice dance abit and kinda finished one song. Gotta perfect it though and makes it looks smother. 

We were so hungry so Td, Van, Little Lam and I head out to Inala to eat. Chilled there for awhile until we went home. Took a nap and it felt so good ! Too bad I had to wake up for dinner :( wanted to sleep more ! 

Thursday, May 2, 2013


There day I start tafe late today, I woke up so early :( and the day I start tafe early, I woke up late ! Why? So weird ! Hate when that happens ! Woke up and I didn't know what to do so I did mah chores. It was boring so I headed over to Kevin Le's to chill before heading to tafe. After tafe, I went to Sunnybank with m family and also Linh's family to eat out :) Kingsfood ! Yum ! Had Ice cream afterward. Well the parents did since none of us kiddo's want some. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Nothing excited happened today. Drove to tafe and studied abit. Left early to go to Inala to get medicine for my aunty and also collect money off Nam. Came home and cleaned the inside of my car. :) Vacuum and wipe down most of the dirty parts :) So clean now ! Drove my mum to woolies and we shopped for fruits and lettuce.