Sunday, May 12, 2013


09/05/2013 - Thursday

During tafe, we were meant to do an exam in our next lesson until suddenly, the fire alarm went on so we had to evacuate the building. YESS ! No exam hahaha ! It was my whole plan ! I set the tafe on fire :L lol jokes. We stayed outside the building for like 30 mins until they told us to go home. Came home and omg ! It was so boring ! I walked to Mymy's place with my mum to give her bread then when we got home.

 I let my daddy use my computer since his computer was broken. While he was using the computer, I went and watched a Viet Drama with my mummy :) It was like me and my dad swapped role LOL. Normally I would be the one on the comp and my dad would be the one watching viet drama with my mum. 

While watching, I suddenly feel asleep LOL. Yes, the drama was that boring ! Got woken up at 12 since my parents needed their bed. I wish I was still a child where their carry me to my bed or let me sleep with them :L After i got woken up, it was so hard to go back to sleep :( 

10/05/2013 - Friday

Work was boring :( Went to church and afterward, I was meant to go watch a movie with Johnnie and the boys but instead, Vi and Vivian parents came up to me and was like, You're taking my kids out right.... I am like what? LOL I didn't know what just happened and I ended up having to take them out lol. I am sure I told them that I am not taking them out but for some reason, I got forced ish to. 

While driving to Sunnybank, Anh Phap called me to meet up with him. We got there and waited for Nam. We were all gonna eat at the Jap place but the kiddoes (Vi, Vivian and Nam) went to eat somewhere else instead so it was just me, Tham and Phap eating Jap. 

Anh Khoa and my brother came afterward and we ate Berry Me. Chilled inside the town square until Mymy and Vy arrived. While chilling there, Linh and Hong-Anh popped up out of nowwhere and they also chilled with us. Afterward, It was either go play Pool or head to the Lake at Forest Lake and eat Pizza. We decided pool but when we got there it was so packed and the line was long so we ended up in Forest Lake eating Pizza Capers and Ghost stories again :L 

11/05/2013 - Saturday

Work went quite fast today since I read the manga book I took of Randy :L It's called Barrage and I like it ! Family is first priority :) That was the meaning all the whole manga ! Also downloaded Happy Streets and it's good ! After work, I picked up Pumba then we headed over to Andy's for snacks and Pizza. When we got there, it wasn't snack and pizza but turns out to be a meeting :( It was long ! Afterward, we just chilled around I guess. 

12/05/2013 - Sunday

Woke up early and went down to the cemetary with my family. Visiting Grandparents and Tuannie :) Also, Happy Mother days guys ! Met my Uncle and aunty down there since they were visting my grandparents too ! Came home and went to Thieu Nhi right away. I taught the kids about religion and omg, it was hard to teach it :L Went to get the white boards with Chuong. After youth, I stayed back and watched the Ht dance since we Dt's couldn't practice cause most of them was busy with their mummy ! The ht's headed to Yum Cha afterward but Phap and I stayed back to build the white board up :) Hy sinh at it highest peak ! 

We went to pick up Tham but we came quite earlier then the time she finished work so we drove to the lake at Calamvale and walked around there while talking about the stage set up for the up coming LBM. After we picked her up, we headed for Cafe Mi at Sunnybank for lunch. Came home and church time ! 

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