Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Went out to Inala to get my passport photo taken and I was about to hand in the application but, I forgot to bring my Birth Certificate so I couldn't :( I am booked again at 9:30am for tomorrow. Headed to tafe right after I got my photos. 

Tafe was quite boring but I managed to do heaps of work before I headed home early ! Finished one assignment ! Wooo hooo ! Five more to go :( Came home and did the Healthy Cup Vouchers for Thieu Nhi with Phap. We planned more on the stage then he went to pick up Tham from work. 

He came back later on since we needed to make the bus. Mymy's had the cardboards at her place so we went over there to grab it and came back to mine to do it ! The bus is looking good but we forgot to paint it so we will do that another time. It was so funny when we were trying to make the bus hahaha. 

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