Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Lumen colour

I am too lazy to proof read so sorry :( 

 17/05/2013 - Friday

Work was really cold ! Didn't bring a jumper and I wore short pants :( After work, I went over to the church, to drop the keys for the guys who were dancing and preparing for LBM. Chilled there for awhile before I picked Hannah up and headed to Hong. It was a masquerade party and I forgot about masks, so I bought my Iron-man one and my horse head one :) Stole Hieu's mask later on though. The party was alright. Consist of chilling, dancing (Justdance) and drinking ! Unfortunately, I was driving agian so I can't drink :( 

18/05/2013 - Saturday

Being a Peon at work :( After work, I took the little cousins out for Deep Fried ice-cream at Forest Lake. Also drove Vi to her party since she came over to mine asking for a lift there. After having dessert, took them home then headed to Anh Phap's place to do our fire experiment. It was goood ! The mixed I created was good but sadly, it destroyed the fire afterward. Johnnie came then Kien came afterward. Took them for a ride around the streets. 

19/05/2013 - Sunday

Youth was the same same I guess. Afterward, I came home and had lunch then I had to go back to trung tam to get the speakers but, the NS was still using it so I waited for them to finish. Drove some of them home then took a nap at home. Phap came over and we did some research on some chemicals for our fire. Went to Bunnings and all we could get was, a spotlight for camp. Didn't find any chemicals :( Also got wires for camp and LBM. 

We went back to Trung Tam to meet up with some of the other Ht's and Dt's. They were practing their dance while I was setting up the light. I later then, had to practice their dance and become a backup for them :L Hoa and I was so hungry to we went to Maccas to get food. Got our food and drove back to trung tam until we found out, maccas didn't gave us our burgers..... we had to drive back to get it zzzz. Crappy Maccas ! After the dance, I called for a technical team meeting and we planned out what to do :) It's gonna be amazing ! 

Everyone then went to Sunnybank to eat but Hoa and I decided to go to Mymy's LOL When we got there, we parked behind a car and later we found out, inside that car was Mymy and Linda LOL. Went into her house to chill while watching them guys eat. Helped her mum fix this radio and repaired it for her. It was fully smashed LOL. Had to tape everything up ! Killed some roaches aswell. Afterward, Mymy, Hoa and I went up to Sunnybank to meet the others for dessert. We had snow ice.

20/05/2013 - Monday

Anh Phap, Johhnie and Hoa came over then we went to Spotlight to get the stuff for our awesome stage. Spent quite some time there LOL. Couldn't find any chemicals at Mitre 10 though :( Went to Inala to eat at Anh Long's place then went to Hoa's daddy place to get some stuff then home we went ! 

21/05/2013 - Tuesday 

Went to tafe today and did two unexpected exam and I managed to pass it :) Drove to Sunnybank during break to get some Chicken Curry :) I think I am sick today but that isn't stopping me from gyming or doing anything ! I AM STRONG ! Sickness won't affect me alot ! 

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