Thursday, May 23, 2013

Somebody To Touch

Today, my plan was to go to DFO first thing in the morning, then go home and clean my room and do the Thieu Nhi stuff then tafe. Practice dance at night but sadly, my plans changed :( I ended up going to DFO but I picked Pumba up on the way since he wanted to go too ! We ended up shopping abit and I spent $90 :( OMG ! So much ! 

Afterward, we drove to Corinda to eat at the Tavern there ! It was a good feed ! Didn't know what to do after but we decided to go to Goodna, but while we were driving, we ended up driving to PA hospital to visit Ai-Van. Once I parked my car, called her, she said she left the hospital already.... omfg ! That drive and petrol :( I skipped tafe :( I know ! I am a bad kiddie ! Sighh :( Someone kill mee for being rebel ! 

Drove all the way to Goodna to visit Anh Khoa at work. While we were bumming there, Toan, Hoa and Chung came so we just chilled inside that small shop for ages :L Came home and took a quick nap before I had to go pick my daddy up. Andy came over and had dinner with us until Phap came over and we started doing our skit for LBM. It was funny and good ! Sadly, I am in the skit and I have to do alot of Viet talking :( 

Can't believed what I planned to do, didn't turn out :( I still have to learn a dance and teach the dance tomorrow :( 

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