Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Vegas Girl

Omg ! The view is amazing ! 
Today was an okay day. First of all, I went out to Inala with my mummy before Tafe to finalize my Passport and also did mummy's passport. YAAY ! We got our passport chopped up and now, we are just waiting for our new ones to arrive in the mail. 

Drove to Tafe afterward and the three classes today was just classes about doing our assignment and the teacher was just there.... It was pretty useless since we could had been at home doing this but you know me, I wouldn't be doing work at home so I stayed back doing my assignment like a good boy :) 

Skipped one of my class to go visit Tuannie. But before visiting him, I drove Mark to the Stake park in Runcorn then omfg ! Got stopped by three trains ! I was pretty much in the car for 10 mins doing nothing :( Went and picked up Vivian then we went to say Happy Birthday to Tuannie ! 

When we got there, I couldn't drive into the cemetery since my car was too low :( so I parked outside. First off, we went to visit my Grandparents and I also pee'd on the tree infront of them since I always do that ! That is like my tree now ! My tree has my essence for my grandparents to smell :) 

When we got to Tuannie grave, Anh Khoa was there with a couple of others who went to visit him also ! There was food and birthday cakes on the grave :) HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROO ! I MISS YOU <3 ! After the visiting, got maccas for Vivian and drove her home. Came home and rest up and did some of my assignments. Fell asleep for like five mins while watching anime :L

Hope you guys are all doing good with your exams and assignments ! Bai Bai~!

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