Sunday, May 5, 2013


03/05/2013 - Friday 

Woke up and drove my dad and I to work. Took me so long to find a parking sigh... had to park over at the other side of the shops aka near Ronnie's store. After work, got home and ate abit before picking my dad up from work then I headed right over to Church. Chilled at church after mass then Mymy, Vy, Johnnie, Nam and I went to Richlands tavern to eat steak but it was a buffet so we ended up at the Oxley Tavern instead. Everyone ate except for me cause I had no money :( Problems of getting a car :L 

I took bit and pieces of their left overs though :) Later on, we picked up Pumba then headed to Mt Cootha. Got there and I gave my jumper to Vy since she was cold. Then I was freezing lololol. I am such a gentleman right guys? hahaha I felt kinda sad since My Cootha was like one of the last places I went out with my grandpa :( all that memories just went bam inside my head :( 

04/05/2013 - Saturday

Work today was alot better than yesterday. Chilled with the little Kid long and it was so funny ! We were so bored so we just think up of games on the spot :L Spinning the coins and all that hahaha. Nam came out and chilled with him for abit. 

During the night, I went to the Buddha fest/Buddha birthday? at the temple in Oxley with Mymy, Vy and Johhnie and I drove them :) We only stayed there for abit until we headed to Sunnybank Coffee Square and met up with Phap, Tham and Anh Tuyen. Chilled and talked there until we were hungry so we drove all the way to Big Gun for Yum Cha. After eating all big fat dinner, we drove back to Inala and dropped off Vy and Tham since they wanted to go home then met up at Maccas. Turns out, Maccas at Richlands is closed and you can only drive thur. Met Tai there since he just finished work.

We ended up at the Lake in FL. Let Phap test out my car and omg, he rev'd it haha. Even I haven't done that :L Chilled by the lake and talked about ghost stories and other stuff. It was so funny :L We ended up talking about shit and toilets in Vietnam hahahaha. 

05/05/2013 - Sunday

Church in the morning was sooo long ! Vi and Thang come over and I rushed and got the songs half done ish :( we didn't have enough time after church to do it. Got to youth and it was the usual thing. Taught them and played games :L Afterward, practice dance abit and kinda finished one song. Gotta perfect it though and makes it looks smother. 

We were so hungry so Td, Van, Little Lam and I head out to Inala to eat. Chilled there for awhile until we went home. Took a nap and it felt so good ! Too bad I had to wake up for dinner :( wanted to sleep more ! 

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