Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Other Side

In the morning, I drove daddy to work then went around the stores taking photos of the one who donated to Thieu Nhi for our LBM. Got balloons and hall decorations for the boys to set up. Chilled with Tien while she worked for awhile. 

Afterwards, I headed home and watched anime before picking Hannah up for gym. Dropped by Forest Lake target to get a maroon shirt for dance. I rarely go to Forest Lake to shop around even though it's so close to Inala. Need to go there more often :L 

Later on during the night, Andy, Phap, Johnnie, Td, Linh came over to practice our skit while Td was doing his drawings. Rehearsal was okay lol. Also got my daddy involve to be one of the characters. During rehearsal, we took a five minutes break which then turns out to be half an hour debating about One Piece :L Ohgosh ! This group loves One Piece hahah. We could keep talking about it forever ! When we got back down to rehearsal again, we also talked about One Piece for like 10 mins ahaha.  ONE PIECE <3

After rehearsal, we sat down and just talked and chill pretty much. I gotta relearn my lines at work tomorrow :( Gotta work hard to be the best that no one ever was ! 

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