Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Jet Rescue

Woke up early and we were meant to leave to Seaworld at 8 but we ended up leaving at like 9ish LOL. We are always late on time... I blame Tony and Ronnie :L We took my car and Hannah's car there. I let Mande drive my car abit and LOL, we almost crashed into a bin, so closeee ! Tony drove Hannah's while I drove mine. On the way, we stopped by Yatala Pie's again for breakfast :) When we got to Seaworld, we thought it was gonna be empty but omfg, car park was full so we had to park on the grass carpark. 

Got there and went and looked around first at like everything :) so many sea creatures ! This is like my 14th time going to Seaworld though... but it's always good to hang out with friends :) The only ride we went on was the Jet Rescue. It looks so boring and meh, we were like, I don't think this is worth the wait but we waited anyways. Got on and we all thought it was gonna be boring but wooow ! It was really good ! Caught as of surprise too ! We were just talking then BAM ! It took off quite fast :L Good ride I must say :)

Walked around and touched a few creatures. We were waiting for the Monorail then it came :) But when Ronnie, Mande, Hannah and Teresa got on, this lady pushed in and took Tony, Randy and my seats... wtf ! So the three of us walked to the show instead. We watched most of the shows there and it was okay since I've seen it already lol. 

Pretty chill day I guess :) We drove back to Inala to eat at Tan Tang and omg ! The food was good since all we ate today was a pie for breakfast, ice cream and a snow cone LOL. We didn't even have proper food for lunch :L I was meant to go watch Origins afterward with them but I got a called and had to go do Thieu Nhi stuff. 

Got home and took a shower then off to Trung Tam I went. Phap, Tham and I pretty much sorted out the camp stuff and chuck it onto the ute. Came back to mine to drop and get more stuff but, we realised that people could steal stuff from the ute.... omg ! So we took everything off and left it at mine. 

 Haven't parked for camp :L Hahaha I will do that tomorrow before going there. 

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