Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Captain Harlock

I finally get a day off on Tuesdaaay ! I spent most of my days trying to finish my assignments off. Didn't finish any of them though but I managed to finish writing my page for Thieu Nhi ! A full page on my view of it :) Still need to do alot of work for it but in the meantime, Needa finish them uni assessments first ! I took alot of breaks in between studying but it was worth it :) 

I watched Captain Harlock and it was alright, the stroyline wasn't that great and it was abit hard to follow. I have an early Uni start tomorrow cause I have a prac :( I gotta remember to wear shoes this time :) 

Monday, April 28, 2014

We Are The People

I didn't really do much today :( Got woken up in the morning and I felt like skipping uni :( I was so tired and lazy to do anything today ! At least I started my assignment and I am 30% done :) Which is good since it will be due on Friday. Thursday shall be my deadline for it though. I am aiming to finish it by tomorrow night. 

I've a good "To do list" for tomorrow so I better do it all ! Planning one day one day ahead :) Time to get organise ! The amount of time I had said this LOL. Hopefully tomorrow shall be the day I will be super organise ! 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Bad Grades

I got woken up really early today cause Anthony came over early in the morning. When I woke up, I felt like I have a hangover even though I didn't drink anything last night :( Rest and bumed awhile before heading to Thieu Nhi. When I got there, I was told to go shopping with Anh Phap at Inala to get some drawing equipment for the kids today since we will be doing some fun activities today. 

We bumped into Hoa out there who was buying drinks out there. Class today was fun since I got my kids to colour in some photos then draw what ever they like about Thieu Nhi. Some even drew me but I looked ugly with a big head :L Cutie kids ! 

Afterward, we had a class photo which was cute since my class is small :) We also had a full Thieu Nhi Group Photo which was good since we haven't had one in ages ! After Thieu Nhi, a couple of us headed out to Inala for lunch then the Ky Yeu Team headed back to mine to finish their cover for the book. I was also invited into this group :( NUUUU ! More work to do now ! 

We had to go to church again cause my parents are making me. So I dragged the others down with me muhahahaa ! It was Long Chua Thoung Xot church so it was kinda long. Afterward, we volunteer and help them pack up ! Thieu Nhi is sacrificing their precious time again ! Goodwork guys ! After the good work out packing things up for them, we went back to doing the book cover and shirt design ! We combined my Ben Sherman Polo with my Mossimo singlet to get the perfect shirt design :) Yaay ! Go team ! 

Later on during the night, I went to Sang's Birthday Dinner at Goong ! It was alright. Good catch up with everyone ! After the feed, a couple of guys headed to Berry Me for dessert then home. Didn't really spend a long night out :) Feels good to be home early once :) 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

I Got You

Work was pretty boring today :( I died multiply times ! And I felt so sick today ! But after I got home, I felt so much better for some reason :) I started on some work for the Ky Yeu Book for Thieu Nhi until I was asked out. I was so tempted to go that I ended up going :( I picked up Vivian and Van and we headed to Van's place so he could get change. Then we asked Jason to come along but we had to wait until he finished church so we chilled at Zarraffa's for abit before headed to the church. 

On our way to Sunnybank, we bumped into Ai-van's and followed her car to Market Square :L We walked around Market Sqaure and we didn't even know what to do so we drove over to Town's plazza to watch a movie but then we decided to eat at Coco Jungle then spent the whole night at Funhouse ! It was pretty fun :) 

Just got home and now it's time to cram all this work ! Gotta finish it by tomorrow ! Hope all goes well ! 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Weapons Hot

It's Anzac day today ! Stop reading this and have a minute of silence to remember those who fought for Australia. -Counts to 60- Now you can get back to reading :) I didn't really do much today. Finished off my to do list except for two things. Study and finish up my Paragraph for Thieu Nhi 30 years, year book. 

I finalized money which was good and managed to create bags of money for people to collect :) And spent my day being lazy at home and watching movies. It was kinda humid today. I didn't fall asleep :) Yaay ! Almost though ! 

After church tonight, I stayed back to supervise and help out with the kids dance practice. Also went to get KFC for them. After we finished, a few of us headed to Sunnybank to eat. We tired out the Lunar Cusine restaurant and it was alright ! Apparently, they sell $1 fish during lunch hours ! I gotta go there sometime during lunch !

I better not go out tomorrow ! Got so much stuff to do before Sunday ! It's going to be a super duper fun day tomorrow ! Yaaaay ! 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Earth Meets Water

One day... You shall be mine ! 
Today was really less productive compared to what I planned to do :( Out of the 7 things I planned to do, I only managed to finish three of it. Not looking good Lammie ! You gotta up your game ! 

First of, I went to Inala and damn ! Packing was insane ! Took me like 15 minutes just to find a spot. Delivered my parcels and mails via the Post Office. Bye bye old iPhone4 ! Stay safee ! I then met Vi and we went over to Ai-Van's place to analyis and practice our dance. We were talking about how big our stage will be at Landmarks then the craving starts to came so we went all the way there for Yum Cha :) Yummy ! We were so full ! 

After feasting, we headed to Vi's place to help her package all the Hu Tieu into bags so they could sell it off at the shops. I came home and took a ten minutes power nap which turned into an hour sleep :( I was meant to finish off my to do list :( Woke up and got called to go to dance practice. The dance was quite good ! We managed to figure out our formations :) 

Another holiday tomorrow and I am planning to study most of the time :( Study mode better be prepare to turn on tomorrow ! 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Off The Wall

Today wasn't as productive as I planned it to be. First of, work was really long and boring as always. Chilled with Tony and that was pretty much it. Randy, Mande and Ronnie came out for abit. Met Danchi out there too ! 

Later on during the night, I went over to Trung Tam to practice singing for Thieu Nhi Choir. We sang alot and did some good practice :) Goodwork guys ! We went out to chilled at Maccas after and bumped into Anh Phoung and Chi Lua out there. They gave me their wedding invitation... Yaay ! And :( at the same time ! Now I have two weddings in a row which means, Bye bye to all that hard earning cash ! 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Night Life

Happy 20th Birthday Randy ! 
Will fix this post more ! Too tired to write properly.
17/04/2014 - Thursday
I went over to Randy's to chill before we had uni. TP came over and we went to Forest Lake for Lunch. Tp got Nando's, while Randy got noddles and I got Subway :L We all split up and got different foods :L While eating we got invited out to watch a movie at Sunnybank with the others. Randy and I decided to skip Uni and go watch the movie with them guys. We watched Captain America and it wasn't worth it for the second time to watch it in cinema. I regret re-watching it :L 

Afterward, I rushed home to get ready for church. During church, I was in charge of the money collection for Thieu Nhi. We managed to run things smoothly which was good :) After the long church, a few of us counted the money and yaay ! Collected quite alot :) Thank you to the Community for donating money to us :) 

Afterward, most of us headed to Yum Cha for dinner since we will be fasting tomorrow for Good Friday. We ate quite alot :L After Yum Cha we headed to Maccas to get some desserts and chill. Chilled there until 12am since 12 was the time we couldn't eat anymore. We ate so much when the clock hits 11:30pm :L I took Chi Quynh home via her car. Also beat my brother home too ! 

18/04/2014 - Friday
Woke up early and went to the Station of the Cross at Trung Tam. It went on for like an hour ish. Afterward, a couple of us headed over to Thang's place with practice our Dance for Andy's wedding. It was a good practice :) We got alot done ! We were getting hungry so we headed over to Chi Quynh's place to eat Fish and Chip there and that was when we used up our lunch meal. Chilled and play over there for quite some time. 

Came home to get ready for church again. Once again, it was long ! Chilled back at church for awhile before I headed home. 

19/04/2014 - Saturday
Woke up and went out to Inala with Randy to get our haircut and do some shopping afterward for the party. I came home and dad asked me to take him to DFO so he could get a tie then afterward, I dropped by at Thien's to finish off our quiz. Had another long night at Church and I was given a new job there. I was the filming man :L Had to film the mass :L 

Afterward, Thang, Td, Hoa, Vy and Myself cabbed to the city so we could go to Randy's party. It was pretty fun ! Quite chill and alchy everywhere ! (Will add more of this later)

20/04/2014 - Sunday
Woke up and Hoa came over to chilled before we headed over to Td's place to eat our hungover food with Thang and Td. We had maccas and lambs :) Yaay ! Chilled in bed for quite some time and also rehearse a song that we are going to sing at Andy's. Afterward, Td, Thang and I went over to Tony's with Bao to play Fifa and chilled before we headed to Gym.

The gym was really empty and Steven and Tam was there so it was pretty much our group at the gym :) Came home and got ready for church again. 

21/04/2014 - Monday
I took my parents to the Coast today. We went shopping at Habour Town then went to Boardbeach to chill and walk around. I came home and was given a call to go over to Trung Tam and open the gate for the little dancers. Got dragged into the dance too :L HAHA it was kinda fun. Went to Maccas afterward with Andy and Chi Quynh to get some food. 

22/04/2014 - Tuesday
Work was alright today. After work, I fully cleaned the inside of my car. Man, that was such a tiring job :L Alexia inside is now super clean :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Today was somewhat productive :) I headed over to Randy's place to chill with him and Mande before I drove all of us to Uni. I parked at Uni and went to my prac. I forgot I had to wear shoes :( But the good thing is I always have a pair of shoes in my car :) Yaaay ! Had no socks though but it was good enough for me to get into my prac. The prac was kinda hard since we had like no one to help us with it. Managed to complete half of the prac sheet but good thing is I have the data's to write up my report now. 

After I finished, I went all the way to Forest Lake to do some small shopping and grab some munchies to eat before I picked Vi up and we headed to Sunnybank for dessert :) We had Oops Icecream then Sakuraya afterward. After I dropped Vi off, I headed to Dfo for some shopping. Met up with Td, Hoa, Pumba and Chuong afterward and shopped more with them. 

Came home and rested until Thang came over and we edited the songs for our dance. I tried to do one of my quiz tonight but it's sooo hard ! I am dying ! Gonna try again tomorrow ! 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Work today was alright. My Aunty came out for abit and I talked to her for awhile until my uncle got back from the Physio. I pretty much chilled with Randy most of the time. Steven and Hiep came out and hanged with us for abit until Hoa came out too ! 

Smashed one of my quiz tonight ! 100% :) That's a guarantee 10% to one of my unit ! I have a prac tomorrow that I must attend to get another 10%. I better not sleep in. Did some tidying around my room and pretty much rest up tonight. 

Monday, April 14, 2014


It has been a busy week for me and I have been unable to blog. Warning - This may be somewhat longish.

Thursday - 10/04/14 

I was at uni alone all day and I was so hungry so I grabbed some Subway for myself :) Met up with Randy, Myvy, Tai, Hoa and Vinh after until I had a group meeting for one of my Uni project today and it went quite good. Nice to meet the faces of the members in the group. Quan drove Leon, Randy, Vinh and myself home :) Thanks Quan ! Later on during the night, I went out to eat Sizzler with my group. Never again eating there for another year. Ate so much but it cost heaps though :( 

After dinner, Randy, Mande, Ronnie and myself went back to Tony's place to play games. It was fun ! Then Randy and I went to visit Tien and her new piano. We had quite a long talk and it was nice :) 

Friday - 11/04/14 

I had work today and it was pretty boring today. Afterward, I went to church then test my mini-lua thieng fire out at my place and see what we need to do and what to fix. Alot of experimenting done which was good since we knew what we would need for Sunday Night. 

After testing, we went back to the church to check up on the kids dance and pretty waited for them to finish dancing then went on our hunt for dinner. We ended up at Big Gun for Yum Cha :) Then to fusion 360 for dessert :) It was a good night. 

Saturday - 12/04/14

I had work again and it was the same as yesterday. Came home and had to prepare for the mini-camp for the NS3 and DT's. I picked up Kien and we headed there and waited for others to come. We started the camp at 7ish which was pretty late at night. It was fun ! I wasn't put into a team cause I was helping organised the camp. We had a few lessons tonight and omg, found out I was missing stuff for my lesson so I rushed and last minute prepare :L After we ended the first night, I went home to get Phap's his big as suprise cake that Tham planned for him since it was his birthday. 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHAAAP ! Surprise ! And have fun eating the cake that was all over your face ! We ended up making our own volley ball court with a rope and chairs. It was really fun ! Mad as spiking from Andy though. Had a short meeting before we went to sleep. Sleep was so hard ! I can never sleep at camps. 

Sunday - 13/04/14

I woke up really early to wake everyone else up so we could prepare for Choi Cho lon (Big game). It was really fun ! There's too much to write up so I will skip all the details of what happened during the choi cho lon. Afterward we had breakfast then alot of lessons. We went to church at night and it was long ! So many of our guys and girls were sleeping in mass :L It was funny ! Afterward, it was my event so we did the Lua Thieng (Fire) Phap and my plans didn't go as we wanted it to but it was still good :) It was fun ! We finished camp and did some cleaning and a few of us went out to Oxley Maccas to have a late snack before we came home to sleep.

Monday - 14/04/14 

I woke up late so I decided to skip all my lectures today and just went to my workshop in the afternoon. I did some shopping for Tony afterward then home I went. Bumped into Nam on the bus which was nice. I came home and instant fell asleep :( That was how tired I was :L 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Syncro Fusion

Work was pretty boring today but my phone saved me :) All thanks to Siri :L Talked to her quite alot LOL. I love this new iPhone 5 :) Such a good upgrade ! Tony chilled with me for abit before we both have to go back to work. I didn't really do much tonight, just stayed home and chilled on my comp. Such a boring night ! oh, I did go over to my uncle's to fix his laptop and that was about it. 

I'm thinking about skipping my 8am lecture tomorrow since it's so boring and I don't even pay much attention so I guess sleep is alot better than going to uni for nothing. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Play Hard

Today was a somewhat productive day :) Got told to go get my medicine in the valley so I went. Bumped into Thien this morning and we caught the bus to city together. When I got off, I was so hungry so I stopped by Mos Burger and ate alone :( hahaha I am used to eating alone now. Also, I went into this phone store and managed to get this tempered glass phone protector screen for my phone. It's so awesome ! You can keep hitting it and it doesn't break ! 

Met my herbalist and he gave me the dosh of herbs :) On the way home, I bumped into Mande at the bus stop and we caught the bus home together. I chilled at Inala for awhile before I headed home to watch anime. While watching, I went over to Mande and drove her car to Uni since she needed to hand in her assignments. Afterward, we went on the hunt for food and just had chips. It wasn't that great :( Also bumped into Hong for abit. 

On the way home, we stopped by Hannah's place to pick up Mande's sister, Pheobe then a quick stop by the petrol station to fuel up :) I managed to clean my room up abit tonight :) Work tomorrow :( Arghh but I have to ! Might study abit out there too.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Borrowed Places


5/04/2014 - Saturday

Work was pretty chill today. Anthony came out and hanged with me for an hour or two before he left. Tonight, I went over to Kien's place to celebrate his 18th birthday with him. PARTY BAAABBBY ! I drank so much haha ! Nts - Beers and shots doesn't go well together :L It was a really fun night ! Also drank with some of the adults :) It was a freshie party but still fun ! During the night, I walked the drunk Van over to his girlfriend place :L It was funny as ! That walk over there ! I also put makeup on him hahaha.
Later on during at like midnight, Phap, Td and I had some anime discussion and we could go on for ages ! Anime 4 lyf ! 

6/04/2014 - Sunday 

I couldn't sleep at all ! Damn you alcohol ! Anthony also woke up early and we just chilled at like 6am in the morning :L I dropped by Inala and maccas for some hungover food before I went to Thieu Nhi. It was tiring at Thieu Nhi today since we didn't have church so we had to teach more ! 

It was the last week so we played alot of games and had fun activities ! I also let the kids do some Easter eggs hunting :) After we finished, we had a long meeting about camp and LBM. Ate there before a few of us headed to my house and into my room to do their Logo while Tham and I was so tired and we weren't part of the group so we just slept on my bed. I am not too sure how long we slept but we were woken up by the others when they finished they long as meeting/work.

After I woke up, I realized I only had an hour and a half window to go over to Kiet's to celebrate Hoc's Birthday. So Td and I came over and pretty much all of 2dn was there :) It was a good gathering ! I left early to go home and prepare for church since everyone had to wear Full Thieu Nhi uniform to church and sit with the kids. It was a special mass to open the office of the priest and finalize the reopening of the church with the new priest :)

oh and I also bought an iPhone 5 today :) Yaay ! New phone ! But now, I am a poorbie ! 

07/04/2014 - Monday

I skipped my morning lecture to stay home and study abit. Didn't reallly study much but at least I get to skip that two hours gap I have today :) I picked up Teresa and we headed to Inala bus stop. Bumped into Sandy while driving :L I haven't seen her in so long ! Uni was really boring today :( 

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Winter Solider

Work was alright today :) Chilled with Randy for awhile until he left then I chilled with Tony :L Randy and I went for a short cosplay shopping and we managed to have our eyes on something but we decided to eat first then go get it. Nek minnit, someone bought it when we checked again :L Laters ! 

During the night, I went to church then stayed back abit to chill and watch the little Thieu Nhi kids practice their dance for LBM. They look so cuteeee but next time they dance, they need to wear pants instead of skirts :( I left half way during their practice to go watch Captain America 2 - The Winter Solider ! It was good ! We managed to get some foodies from coles which are alot cheaper than cinemas food :) It was V-Max too so comfy seats but we were sitting right infront of the screen ! My eyes and neck :(

Thursday, April 3, 2014


^ One day, you will be mine ! 
I really do hate 8am starts ! I have no energy in the morning ! Bumped into Leon, Cindy and Kt at the bus stop this morning :) We all caught the bus together. In my first lecture with Leon, we left half way through since we were falling asleep and it was boring. We went to S Block to do some study and we did get some work done until LoL got in the way and we played a game. 

My two tutes today was boring and long ! I didn't really do much tonight :( I got most of my quiz done which is good ! Planning to finish it off tomorrow ! 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Smart Phones

Nothing much happened today :( I went to work in the morning and it was really quiet and boring like always :L During work, I was sent on an errand to collect items for my uncle so I drove all the way to Sunnybank to get to my destination. When I got there, it turns out the store was closed and I drove all the way there for nothing :( Waste of time and petrol ! 

Had a good chat with Tony for abit before I went back to workies :) My cousin came out later and I chilled with him for awhile too. Tonight, I got some study done :) Yaay ! Go Lammie ! Did like half of my quiz :) It was hard so I think I only got the easy questions done :L Gotta finish it tomorrow since I will be busy with Thieu Nhi stuff on the weekend. 

Early 8pm start tomorrow and I don't think I should skip it again. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


^ Totally me ! 
I stayed home all day watching movies and rest. Did a tiny bit of study which wasn't great since I should had done more. Also, I forgot to mention this yesterday, during my lecture yesterday, some guy came in and disturb the whole class and sang :L apparently, he's kinda you-tube famous ish :L I found his vid for yesterday :L Click here to see it. It was pretty funny and like half of the people clapped for him. He even said "#BeHappy" Haha, he must be one happy fella ! 

I also cleaned my room today :) Had a quick nap and pretty much watch movies all day when I should had been studying.