Monday, April 7, 2014

Borrowed Places


5/04/2014 - Saturday

Work was pretty chill today. Anthony came out and hanged with me for an hour or two before he left. Tonight, I went over to Kien's place to celebrate his 18th birthday with him. PARTY BAAABBBY ! I drank so much haha ! Nts - Beers and shots doesn't go well together :L It was a really fun night ! Also drank with some of the adults :) It was a freshie party but still fun ! During the night, I walked the drunk Van over to his girlfriend place :L It was funny as ! That walk over there ! I also put makeup on him hahaha.
Later on during at like midnight, Phap, Td and I had some anime discussion and we could go on for ages ! Anime 4 lyf ! 

6/04/2014 - Sunday 

I couldn't sleep at all ! Damn you alcohol ! Anthony also woke up early and we just chilled at like 6am in the morning :L I dropped by Inala and maccas for some hungover food before I went to Thieu Nhi. It was tiring at Thieu Nhi today since we didn't have church so we had to teach more ! 

It was the last week so we played alot of games and had fun activities ! I also let the kids do some Easter eggs hunting :) After we finished, we had a long meeting about camp and LBM. Ate there before a few of us headed to my house and into my room to do their Logo while Tham and I was so tired and we weren't part of the group so we just slept on my bed. I am not too sure how long we slept but we were woken up by the others when they finished they long as meeting/work.

After I woke up, I realized I only had an hour and a half window to go over to Kiet's to celebrate Hoc's Birthday. So Td and I came over and pretty much all of 2dn was there :) It was a good gathering ! I left early to go home and prepare for church since everyone had to wear Full Thieu Nhi uniform to church and sit with the kids. It was a special mass to open the office of the priest and finalize the reopening of the church with the new priest :)

oh and I also bought an iPhone 5 today :) Yaay ! New phone ! But now, I am a poorbie ! 

07/04/2014 - Monday

I skipped my morning lecture to stay home and study abit. Didn't reallly study much but at least I get to skip that two hours gap I have today :) I picked up Teresa and we headed to Inala bus stop. Bumped into Sandy while driving :L I haven't seen her in so long ! Uni was really boring today :( 

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