Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Night Life

Happy 20th Birthday Randy ! 
Will fix this post more ! Too tired to write properly.
17/04/2014 - Thursday
I went over to Randy's to chill before we had uni. TP came over and we went to Forest Lake for Lunch. Tp got Nando's, while Randy got noddles and I got Subway :L We all split up and got different foods :L While eating we got invited out to watch a movie at Sunnybank with the others. Randy and I decided to skip Uni and go watch the movie with them guys. We watched Captain America and it wasn't worth it for the second time to watch it in cinema. I regret re-watching it :L 

Afterward, I rushed home to get ready for church. During church, I was in charge of the money collection for Thieu Nhi. We managed to run things smoothly which was good :) After the long church, a few of us counted the money and yaay ! Collected quite alot :) Thank you to the Community for donating money to us :) 

Afterward, most of us headed to Yum Cha for dinner since we will be fasting tomorrow for Good Friday. We ate quite alot :L After Yum Cha we headed to Maccas to get some desserts and chill. Chilled there until 12am since 12 was the time we couldn't eat anymore. We ate so much when the clock hits 11:30pm :L I took Chi Quynh home via her car. Also beat my brother home too ! 

18/04/2014 - Friday
Woke up early and went to the Station of the Cross at Trung Tam. It went on for like an hour ish. Afterward, a couple of us headed over to Thang's place with practice our Dance for Andy's wedding. It was a good practice :) We got alot done ! We were getting hungry so we headed over to Chi Quynh's place to eat Fish and Chip there and that was when we used up our lunch meal. Chilled and play over there for quite some time. 

Came home to get ready for church again. Once again, it was long ! Chilled back at church for awhile before I headed home. 

19/04/2014 - Saturday
Woke up and went out to Inala with Randy to get our haircut and do some shopping afterward for the party. I came home and dad asked me to take him to DFO so he could get a tie then afterward, I dropped by at Thien's to finish off our quiz. Had another long night at Church and I was given a new job there. I was the filming man :L Had to film the mass :L 

Afterward, Thang, Td, Hoa, Vy and Myself cabbed to the city so we could go to Randy's party. It was pretty fun ! Quite chill and alchy everywhere ! (Will add more of this later)

20/04/2014 - Sunday
Woke up and Hoa came over to chilled before we headed over to Td's place to eat our hungover food with Thang and Td. We had maccas and lambs :) Yaay ! Chilled in bed for quite some time and also rehearse a song that we are going to sing at Andy's. Afterward, Td, Thang and I went over to Tony's with Bao to play Fifa and chilled before we headed to Gym.

The gym was really empty and Steven and Tam was there so it was pretty much our group at the gym :) Came home and got ready for church again. 

21/04/2014 - Monday
I took my parents to the Coast today. We went shopping at Habour Town then went to Boardbeach to chill and walk around. I came home and was given a call to go over to Trung Tam and open the gate for the little dancers. Got dragged into the dance too :L HAHA it was kinda fun. Went to Maccas afterward with Andy and Chi Quynh to get some food. 

22/04/2014 - Tuesday
Work was alright today. After work, I fully cleaned the inside of my car. Man, that was such a tiring job :L Alexia inside is now super clean :)

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