Thursday, April 24, 2014

Earth Meets Water

One day... You shall be mine ! 
Today was really less productive compared to what I planned to do :( Out of the 7 things I planned to do, I only managed to finish three of it. Not looking good Lammie ! You gotta up your game ! 

First of, I went to Inala and damn ! Packing was insane ! Took me like 15 minutes just to find a spot. Delivered my parcels and mails via the Post Office. Bye bye old iPhone4 ! Stay safee ! I then met Vi and we went over to Ai-Van's place to analyis and practice our dance. We were talking about how big our stage will be at Landmarks then the craving starts to came so we went all the way there for Yum Cha :) Yummy ! We were so full ! 

After feasting, we headed to Vi's place to help her package all the Hu Tieu into bags so they could sell it off at the shops. I came home and took a ten minutes power nap which turned into an hour sleep :( I was meant to finish off my to do list :( Woke up and got called to go to dance practice. The dance was quite good ! We managed to figure out our formations :) 

Another holiday tomorrow and I am planning to study most of the time :( Study mode better be prepare to turn on tomorrow ! 

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