Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Smart Phones

Nothing much happened today :( I went to work in the morning and it was really quiet and boring like always :L During work, I was sent on an errand to collect items for my uncle so I drove all the way to Sunnybank to get to my destination. When I got there, it turns out the store was closed and I drove all the way there for nothing :( Waste of time and petrol ! 

Had a good chat with Tony for abit before I went back to workies :) My cousin came out later and I chilled with him for awhile too. Tonight, I got some study done :) Yaay ! Go Lammie ! Did like half of my quiz :) It was hard so I think I only got the easy questions done :L Gotta finish it tomorrow since I will be busy with Thieu Nhi stuff on the weekend. 

Early 8pm start tomorrow and I don't think I should skip it again. 

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