Friday, April 25, 2014

Weapons Hot

It's Anzac day today ! Stop reading this and have a minute of silence to remember those who fought for Australia. -Counts to 60- Now you can get back to reading :) I didn't really do much today. Finished off my to do list except for two things. Study and finish up my Paragraph for Thieu Nhi 30 years, year book. 

I finalized money which was good and managed to create bags of money for people to collect :) And spent my day being lazy at home and watching movies. It was kinda humid today. I didn't fall asleep :) Yaay ! Almost though ! 

After church tonight, I stayed back to supervise and help out with the kids dance practice. Also went to get KFC for them. After we finished, a few of us headed to Sunnybank to eat. We tired out the Lunar Cusine restaurant and it was alright ! Apparently, they sell $1 fish during lunch hours ! I gotta go there sometime during lunch !

I better not go out tomorrow ! Got so much stuff to do before Sunday ! It's going to be a super duper fun day tomorrow ! Yaaaay ! 

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