Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Today was somewhat productive :) I headed over to Randy's place to chill with him and Mande before I drove all of us to Uni. I parked at Uni and went to my prac. I forgot I had to wear shoes :( But the good thing is I always have a pair of shoes in my car :) Yaaay ! Had no socks though but it was good enough for me to get into my prac. The prac was kinda hard since we had like no one to help us with it. Managed to complete half of the prac sheet but good thing is I have the data's to write up my report now. 

After I finished, I went all the way to Forest Lake to do some small shopping and grab some munchies to eat before I picked Vi up and we headed to Sunnybank for dessert :) We had Oops Icecream then Sakuraya afterward. After I dropped Vi off, I headed to Dfo for some shopping. Met up with Td, Hoa, Pumba and Chuong afterward and shopped more with them. 

Came home and rested until Thang came over and we edited the songs for our dance. I tried to do one of my quiz tonight but it's sooo hard ! I am dying ! Gonna try again tomorrow ! 

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