Saturday, April 5, 2014

Winter Solider

Work was alright today :) Chilled with Randy for awhile until he left then I chilled with Tony :L Randy and I went for a short cosplay shopping and we managed to have our eyes on something but we decided to eat first then go get it. Nek minnit, someone bought it when we checked again :L Laters ! 

During the night, I went to church then stayed back abit to chill and watch the little Thieu Nhi kids practice their dance for LBM. They look so cuteeee but next time they dance, they need to wear pants instead of skirts :( I left half way during their practice to go watch Captain America 2 - The Winter Solider ! It was good ! We managed to get some foodies from coles which are alot cheaper than cinemas food :) It was V-Max too so comfy seats but we were sitting right infront of the screen ! My eyes and neck :(

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