Monday, April 14, 2014


It has been a busy week for me and I have been unable to blog. Warning - This may be somewhat longish.

Thursday - 10/04/14 

I was at uni alone all day and I was so hungry so I grabbed some Subway for myself :) Met up with Randy, Myvy, Tai, Hoa and Vinh after until I had a group meeting for one of my Uni project today and it went quite good. Nice to meet the faces of the members in the group. Quan drove Leon, Randy, Vinh and myself home :) Thanks Quan ! Later on during the night, I went out to eat Sizzler with my group. Never again eating there for another year. Ate so much but it cost heaps though :( 

After dinner, Randy, Mande, Ronnie and myself went back to Tony's place to play games. It was fun ! Then Randy and I went to visit Tien and her new piano. We had quite a long talk and it was nice :) 

Friday - 11/04/14 

I had work today and it was pretty boring today. Afterward, I went to church then test my mini-lua thieng fire out at my place and see what we need to do and what to fix. Alot of experimenting done which was good since we knew what we would need for Sunday Night. 

After testing, we went back to the church to check up on the kids dance and pretty waited for them to finish dancing then went on our hunt for dinner. We ended up at Big Gun for Yum Cha :) Then to fusion 360 for dessert :) It was a good night. 

Saturday - 12/04/14

I had work again and it was the same as yesterday. Came home and had to prepare for the mini-camp for the NS3 and DT's. I picked up Kien and we headed there and waited for others to come. We started the camp at 7ish which was pretty late at night. It was fun ! I wasn't put into a team cause I was helping organised the camp. We had a few lessons tonight and omg, found out I was missing stuff for my lesson so I rushed and last minute prepare :L After we ended the first night, I went home to get Phap's his big as suprise cake that Tham planned for him since it was his birthday. 

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHAAAP ! Surprise ! And have fun eating the cake that was all over your face ! We ended up making our own volley ball court with a rope and chairs. It was really fun ! Mad as spiking from Andy though. Had a short meeting before we went to sleep. Sleep was so hard ! I can never sleep at camps. 

Sunday - 13/04/14

I woke up really early to wake everyone else up so we could prepare for Choi Cho lon (Big game). It was really fun ! There's too much to write up so I will skip all the details of what happened during the choi cho lon. Afterward we had breakfast then alot of lessons. We went to church at night and it was long ! So many of our guys and girls were sleeping in mass :L It was funny ! Afterward, it was my event so we did the Lua Thieng (Fire) Phap and my plans didn't go as we wanted it to but it was still good :) It was fun ! We finished camp and did some cleaning and a few of us went out to Oxley Maccas to have a late snack before we came home to sleep.

Monday - 14/04/14 

I woke up late so I decided to skip all my lectures today and just went to my workshop in the afternoon. I did some shopping for Tony afterward then home I went. Bumped into Nam on the bus which was nice. I came home and instant fell asleep :( That was how tired I was :L 

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