Friday, May 30, 2014

Happy 34th Birthday !

On the way to Uni, I had a text from Leon and Myvy telling me to meet up with them. I had some spare time before my tute so I was like why not, met up with them and I stayed there doing work with Leon :/ We skipped out tutorials and did most of our assignment. In my head, I was like, I shouldn't skip but then again, we got our assignments done :) 

I met up with Vi in the city then we bus'ed it home. Came home and I watched Vampires Diaries and got up to date and omg ! Everything just went cray cray ! Afterward, Phap picked me up and with a couple of others (Tham, Kien and Vi) we went out to Colmslie and visit the place Tuannie past away. Today was his 34th Birthday so we bought him a cake and sang Happy Birthday to him ! 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Red Lights

Work today was alright. It was really boring towards the end though. I brought my iPad out to work so I could study and it turns out, I only studied for like 10 minutes until I played Final Fantasy on it. It was fun until my batteries died :( 

First game of Origin tonight and I didn't get to watch it cause of this stupid assignment I left to last minute :( I am still doing and procrastinating abit right now :L I gotta cram for my upcoming exams too ! Arghh ! So much work to do :( 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Dark Magician Girl !


22/05/2014 - Thursday

Today wasn't such a productive day :( I picked Randy up in the morning and we headed to Richlands Train Station to train up to valley so we could be one of the 100th people who get free membership to get one burger every week for a year. We came late :( When we got there, we saw the 100th person lining up :( We bumped into Pumba and Chuong who was there too ! They were like number 27th ish ! Wow ! They actually lined up for like 4 hours ! That's dedication for free food ! 

After those two got their membership and burgers, we drove to Newsstead to eat at Reef Seafood and Sushi ! Omgawd ! That place was amazing ! I would love to come back there ! The food was so fresh too ! We then got some yummy dessert ! Sooo yummy ! It was a fantastic feed ! 

Afterward, Randy and I went to Uni then we watched X-Men. It wasn't as good as the others :( 
Later on in the night, My parents called me to go to my cousin place for a party. We ate then we pretty much play LoL allnight :L

23/05/2014 - Friday

I had work today and it was pretty boring like always ! After work, I went to church and it was longer than usual cause there was this guest priest who talked for ages. Afterward, a few Thieu Nhi people came to mine and we prepare to film our party that we are going to use for LBM. The party was hardcore man ! So much drinking and dancing ! But afterward, I think we would have to re-film it and make it less hardcore :L 

After filming, a couple of us went to eat Yumcha and chilled. It was a very tiring night, I must say.

24/05/2014 - Saturday

I had work again and arghh ! So boring ! I didn't really do anything at night. Just chilled pretty much. Oh, I did go over to Phap's place to fix his virus and we talked for awhile about life.

25/05/2014 - Sunday

Thieu Nhi was alright today ! My kids seems to have fun :) Afterward, we had a long meeting with the priest then a couple of us went to eat at Anh Long's before we started our Ky Yeu work at Phap's place. We were all so dead :( Afterward, I rushed home and got prepared for church. It was pretty long and boring :( Came home and my family had a praying session for like an hour :( I just wanted to sleep ! 

26/05/2014 - Monday

Phap came over in the morning and we both worked on the Ky Yeu Year book. It was really productive :) We ended up hungry so we ate at Anh Long's. Afterward, we did a little bit of shopping. I left to give my car a wash cause Alexia is so so dirty ! Came home and took a long nap and pretty much chilled. 

27/05/2014 - Tuesday
Work was better today. Randy, Tony and Hieu came out to chill for awhile. I took Hieu home after and I tried to study abit tonight but it was hard to concentrate :( 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dark Magician

I got picked up by Quan this morning and went to uni with my group for one of my assessment. We had our bridge checked and tested and it failed to break at 25 kg :( Sadly it broke at like 26-27ish ! Why couldn't it break earlier ! Afterward, Leon and I bus'ed it home. I did some shopping at Inala before I picked Thu up to go have lunch at O'Toolies at Corinda. Took her to the station then home I went ! I ko'ed at home and woke up to prepare dinner for the family. 

I didn't really do much tonight, I went back to watching Vampire Diaries ! Need to catch up to the latest again ! 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Andy ♥ Lan-Anh

♥ Congratulations Andy and Lan-Anh !! 
16/05/2014 - Friday

Work was pretty boring since I have no net. I can't wait until I can use my internet on my phone again. Went to mass tonight and it was the same same. Afterward, I chilled there for awhile until Nam and I decided to go late night in the city. So I drove all the way up there and we bumped into Linh while walking to David Jones. I haven't seen her in so long ! I offered her a lift home too ! Nam and I bought a Hugo Boss Tie clip :) It's looks pretty amazing ! So exxy though but I'm a baller ! 

We had dinner at Nando's before we headed back to Linh's. Chilled there with her and her brother, Minh before we headed home. 

17/05/2014 - Saturday

Today was the day Andy and Lan Anh got married ! Yaaaay ! :) So I got woken up super duper early with my family and drove my parents up to Andy's place for the marriage ceremony. I helped out with the cooking and did alot of trips to the shops to get missing ingredient. We then formed a line to welcome the bride's family. Had that long spench and whatnot before we had a few snacks. I took off early to deliever food to the priest and managed to get home and get changed into my mass outfit. 

Ai-Van picked me up and we went to Rosalie Church. Since we got there early, we helped set up most of the decorations ! The couple finally get married ! YAAAAY ! Congratulations Andy and Lan-Anh !!! <3
We took heaps of photos after mass then Nam, Anthony and Myself went back to Inala for steak :) It was so good since we were so hungry ! 

I got home and rested abit before heading to the reception at Landmark. It was a really good and fun wedding ! I really enjoyed it :) Also performed my dance with Andy :) Drank alot too ! It took me so much effort just to go to the toilet. After most of the people left, we started up the dance floor and it was really fun ! Also helped chuck Andy and Lan-Anh up in the air ! 

After the wedding, I headed to Hong's 20th Birthday. Everyone there was pretty drunk when I got there. Another party, another dance floor ! 

18/05/2014 - Sunday

Another normal day at Thieu Nhi today. I had fun with my Tuoi Tho kids today :) After Tn, we had a Ban Ky yeu work to do at mine. We worked from like 1pm -6pm :( We were all so tired ! I died on my bed :(

19/05/2014 - Monday

I went over to Randy's place to do my assignment. We were getting hungry so we went and bought ingredients to cooked Pasta !! Yaaay ! We also cooked it for Cindy and Vee since they were there. After eating our delicious pasta, we watched Godzilla ! It was okay ! I expected it to be better though. I then picked Vi up from Inala and drove her home.

20/05/2014 - Tuesday

Work was really boring today. I am trying to manage my time tonight :) 

Here are some photos from the wedding !

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Not A Bad Thing

Spent most of my day at uni today :) I went to all of my tutes ! Yaay ! After I finished, I chilled at S block for awhile until my whole group came so we could have a group meeting for our project that is due next week and the week after. 

Came home and rushed my dinner so I could go to one of my Thieu Nhi Meeting that I called for. As president of the Ban Ky Thuat team ! I could say that we managed to brainstorm and got alot planned which was good :) An hour and a half meeting seems good enough :) 

I came home and was lazy to do my assignment so here I am, doing nothing at all :( Saveee me ! Do my assignments for mee ! 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Work was uber boring today ! Life sucks with no internet when you're bored ! While I was walking around Inala, I saw this asian little kid pulled down his pant in the middle of Inala and pee'd on the garden :L Inala right there ! After work, I bumped into Td at woolies so we went around shopping for abit. 

Came home to my assignments :( I hate it ! Pumba came over while I was doing it so I stopped and talked with him. I felt like not staying at home cause I know I have to do my assignment so I picked Vi up and drove her to choir practice while I stayed there and played with the kiddies :) It was somewhat fun ! I want to be younger to have more energy like them ! 

After the practice, I took Vi to Woolies to get some grocerly then took her home. I came home to facing one of my worst enemies ! The assignment, it's like death itself ! I shall devour this death and conquer it ! COME AT ME WITH YOUR FULL STRENGTH MR LAB REPORT ! 

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Lost All My Tears

Work was omg ! So boring today ! I had no service on my phone so I couldn't do anything at all ! :( Chilled with Tony for awhile until Randy came out. I died over and over again at work ! It's going to happen again tomorrow :( After work, I went to dance practice with the group ! This was our final practice before we actually perform at the wedding on Saturday ! I need to clean up my moves before then ! Gotta find some time to practice in between all these assignments and meeting ! 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Que Sera

10/05/2014 - Saturday

Work was alright today. Linda came out to chilled with me for awhile and we also went around Inala shopping :L Later on during the night, I picked up my cousins and headed over to Vi's to celebrate her 18th Birthday with her. When I got there, her mum made Thang and carried stuff out. I came to eat not work :/ 

I came home to drop my car home and met up with Kien, Linda and Vy and went back to the party just because I wanted to drink :L The party was somewhat fun-ish towards the end. Thang invited some of the Underdog and we had some fun kara sesh ! Also met David ! He a bartender ! So cool ! He made us drinks which was actually nice ! 

Later on during the night, I drank with Vi's dad for ages ! We had a good talk :) I cabbed home with David and Kien and home I went to Ko ! 

11/05/2014 - Sunday

I woke up feeling so tired :( It was Mother's Day today so everyone did activities to make something for their mum :) After Thieu Nhi, I went to visit my grandparents at the cemetery with my family. Also visited Tuannie :) After the visit, I went to DFO to shop and bumped into Nam and his family :L We went shopping together and I also bumped into Chi Quynh :L So many people here at the same time ! 

I went to church at night and I had to carry the gifts up. Also handed out roses to all the mothers in church :) Have a happy day to all the mothers in the world ! You have taken care of your family to the best ! You mothers, are one of a kind ! 

Afterward, my family took my mum out to dinner at Slik Road. It was so fancy ! The food was quite good too ! We ordered by using and iPad ! Wow ! The technology there is amazing ! 

12/05/2014 - Monday

Woke up and decided I should clean my wardrobe ! I half finished cleaning it and got lazy :( For lunch, I ate at O'Toolies with Randy and food was still yummy ! We then decided to go shopping at Indooroopilly and holy ! It's so amazing now ! The refurbishment is so good ! There are so many stores there now and everything looks so nice ! After our shopping spree, we decided to go to DFO airport for more shopping ! Got more stuff ! Damn ! Hopefully I won't be shopping anymore until I save up enough money again. 

I dropped by Vivian's place to give her phone back to her. It was really easy to fix her phone :) Came home and rested up and preparing myself for some study tomorrow ! 

Friday, May 9, 2014

How Do I Know

Work was alright today :) Hoc and Seedy came out to chill with Tony, Randy and myself. Had a good talk :) Afterward, Thu came out to chilled for awhile too ! After work, I went to dance practice for Andy's wedding then Nam and I went to Sunnybank to eat steak. It was so good cause I was really really hungry ! I dropped by Danchi's place to return her jumper before we headed home. I had a good talk with Nam :) 

Thursday, May 8, 2014


I went up to uni today for my tutes and found out they were just repeated tutes of last week :( Chilled with Hoa and Randy on for lunch before we went to watch Bad Neighbour minus Randy. I thought the movie would be better but it's still good. After the movie, I went around shopping alone until I bumped into Randy and his friend, Phuc. We went window shopping around the city until I had to meet up with Thu to get Vi her present. Randy and Phuc came along :L We also got our mummy's stuff too :) 

When I went to pick up my dad, one of the workers car had a flat battery so I had to go and charge it up. We got the car moving but we only moved from the carpark to the road :( It stopped and we had to push the car all hill into the car park area. Tough work ! I charged it up again and it didn't work, found out the car battery was flat out dead :( 

Came home and rushed dinner before Andy and Thang came over so I can edit the dance song for Andy's wedding. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

War zone

Bumped into Tai on the way to uni today :) Had a good catch up with him. Before my prac, I went with him to meet up with Vinh and chilled for abit before I left to my prac. The prac was alot better than last prac cause we actually get to do stuff :) It was easy ! I got a seven ! Yaaay ! After the prac, I met up with Pumba in the city and we did some shopping :) Got some buys though but not much. 

We bumped into Tam on the bus home and that was also a good catch up :) I came home to dinner and rest for abit until I had to go to one of my Thieu Nhi meeting. The meeting was alright :) It didn't drag on for too long ! After the meeting, I took Vi to Kien's to get some stuff for her party then took her home. Drove up to Haoke for Yum Cha with some of the other guys :) Good talk up there and now, I am home and my room is so messy ! Gotta clean it again soon ! Maybe tomorrow ! 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Don't Stop

4/05/2014 - Sunday

After Thieu Nhi today, a couple of us stayed back to eat Pho that the community has made. It was yummy ! Afterward, we followed Chu Tien to his fabric warehouse where we would take the fabric that we needed for LBM. On the way back, Td's car had a flat tyre so we gotta replace it with his spare. Then the Thieu Nhi boys (5 of us boys) went back to Thang's to practice singing our song that we are going to sing for Anh Andy's wedding. It was a good practice, we got off tracked and started to have a kara sesh :L 

I came home and prepared to go to church. It was really cold ! I sat with Anthony, Nam, Jaequline and her sister. Towards the end of mass, we got choose to walk up to the priest in front of everyone to give them gifts.... I was totally unprepared to do that :( After church, I stayed back with the community to eat Bun Bo Hue ! Yum ! 

It's a really busy day today and I ended my day by going over to Phap's place to get Tham to help me write up a essay in viet for Thieu Nhi. We then had another kara sesh with Chi Lua, Anh Phuong and Anh Day. This time, it was in viet :L I came home so tired and forgot to blog.

5/05/2014 - Monday

I skipped Uni today and went out to Inala to have lunch with Anh Phap. Vi and Thu also came afterward. We chilled for awhile before I took the girls home and met up with Phap at his house before we went to DFO in the airport. I managed to get some good buys :) We picked up Tham from work then home we went. Phap came over to mine to chilled. My parents had a look at all the Thieu Nhi people poems and it was funny :L 

6/05/2014 - Tuesday

I went to work today and it was cold. Pumba came out to chilled for abit. It was really quiet and empty today :( 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

First Love

Holy moly ! It was so windy and cold today ! This weather is cray cray ! I went to work without a jumper :( Totally regret that ! Randy cooked Chicken Curry for lunch which was nice :) Thu also came out for abit and chilled. I didn't do anything tonight since I am so exhausted from them allnights. Pretty much stayed home all night :) 

Friday, May 2, 2014

A World Away

Woke up and started to finish another of my assignment ! I then drove up to Uni with Thien and we met up with Quan, Leon and Kyle. I helped them with their assignments before I headed to the city to meet up with Vi and Thu. We went to Passiontree for dessert and I also met, vannessa? She seems pretty chill :) 

We walked back to QUT and met up with Kristy and I took all of them home. Thu came over to chilled at mine for abit before I went to dance practice at night. It was an alright practice :) Afterward, a few of us went to eat at Stir Fry Master near Nathan Campus. The food was okay, it wasn't that great ! 

I am finally free of two assignments ! It felt so good after I handed them in :) 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Settle Down

The battle was fought last night and I have loss :( I fell asleep ! But the war hasn't ended yet, I have tonight to win ! On the morning bus to uni, I met Tam and we had a good catch up :) It was good ! When we got off the bus at the city, Elisa came up to me and told me about this lady on the bus.... it was creepy ! I looked at her and she was just following us and standing still.... staring at us with hate or something. She might have been racist... i don't know :( It was freaky !  

Walked to the city and went to S block to study by myself until Leon and Gary came. Leon and I skipped all our classes and just did our assignment up at uni. Alot of work was done :) On the bus home, I bumped into Vi. We went shopping around at Inala before I took her home. 

Cha Truc came back to Brisbane and he visited my family :) I still like him ! I got one assignment done ! Another to go ! I CAN DO THIS ! 

Coffee Shop Love

I drove up to Uni today cause I only had a prac and didn't want to waste time on the bus. I got woken up early so I thought of going up there earlier than I have planned. It was a good thing I left earlier ! I was stuck in traffic from the temple in Oxley to PA hospital ! I hate traffic so much ! and especially in a manual car :( 

I arrived at my prac ten minutes before it was time to do our lab. I had the same partner as last time :) Yaaay ! The prac was somewhat fun and we managed to finish early :) I came home and pretty much rest before I start my battle against my assignments. I've a prediction that this battle will last for two nights. The battle started around in the afternoon and as I am typing this, the battle is raging furiously.