Thursday, May 8, 2014


I went up to uni today for my tutes and found out they were just repeated tutes of last week :( Chilled with Hoa and Randy on for lunch before we went to watch Bad Neighbour minus Randy. I thought the movie would be better but it's still good. After the movie, I went around shopping alone until I bumped into Randy and his friend, Phuc. We went window shopping around the city until I had to meet up with Thu to get Vi her present. Randy and Phuc came along :L We also got our mummy's stuff too :) 

When I went to pick up my dad, one of the workers car had a flat battery so I had to go and charge it up. We got the car moving but we only moved from the carpark to the road :( It stopped and we had to push the car all hill into the car park area. Tough work ! I charged it up again and it didn't work, found out the car battery was flat out dead :( 

Came home and rushed dinner before Andy and Thang came over so I can edit the dance song for Andy's wedding. 

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