Friday, May 30, 2014

Happy 34th Birthday !

On the way to Uni, I had a text from Leon and Myvy telling me to meet up with them. I had some spare time before my tute so I was like why not, met up with them and I stayed there doing work with Leon :/ We skipped out tutorials and did most of our assignment. In my head, I was like, I shouldn't skip but then again, we got our assignments done :) 

I met up with Vi in the city then we bus'ed it home. Came home and I watched Vampires Diaries and got up to date and omg ! Everything just went cray cray ! Afterward, Phap picked me up and with a couple of others (Tham, Kien and Vi) we went out to Colmslie and visit the place Tuannie past away. Today was his 34th Birthday so we bought him a cake and sang Happy Birthday to him ! 

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