Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Dark Magician Girl !


22/05/2014 - Thursday

Today wasn't such a productive day :( I picked Randy up in the morning and we headed to Richlands Train Station to train up to valley so we could be one of the 100th people who get free membership to get one burger every week for a year. We came late :( When we got there, we saw the 100th person lining up :( We bumped into Pumba and Chuong who was there too ! They were like number 27th ish ! Wow ! They actually lined up for like 4 hours ! That's dedication for free food ! 

After those two got their membership and burgers, we drove to Newsstead to eat at Reef Seafood and Sushi ! Omgawd ! That place was amazing ! I would love to come back there ! The food was so fresh too ! We then got some yummy dessert ! Sooo yummy ! It was a fantastic feed ! 

Afterward, Randy and I went to Uni then we watched X-Men. It wasn't as good as the others :( 
Later on in the night, My parents called me to go to my cousin place for a party. We ate then we pretty much play LoL allnight :L

23/05/2014 - Friday

I had work today and it was pretty boring like always ! After work, I went to church and it was longer than usual cause there was this guest priest who talked for ages. Afterward, a few Thieu Nhi people came to mine and we prepare to film our party that we are going to use for LBM. The party was hardcore man ! So much drinking and dancing ! But afterward, I think we would have to re-film it and make it less hardcore :L 

After filming, a couple of us went to eat Yumcha and chilled. It was a very tiring night, I must say.

24/05/2014 - Saturday

I had work again and arghh ! So boring ! I didn't really do anything at night. Just chilled pretty much. Oh, I did go over to Phap's place to fix his virus and we talked for awhile about life.

25/05/2014 - Sunday

Thieu Nhi was alright today ! My kids seems to have fun :) Afterward, we had a long meeting with the priest then a couple of us went to eat at Anh Long's before we started our Ky Yeu work at Phap's place. We were all so dead :( Afterward, I rushed home and got prepared for church. It was pretty long and boring :( Came home and my family had a praying session for like an hour :( I just wanted to sleep ! 

26/05/2014 - Monday

Phap came over in the morning and we both worked on the Ky Yeu Year book. It was really productive :) We ended up hungry so we ate at Anh Long's. Afterward, we did a little bit of shopping. I left to give my car a wash cause Alexia is so so dirty ! Came home and took a long nap and pretty much chilled. 

27/05/2014 - Tuesday
Work was better today. Randy, Tony and Hieu came out to chill for awhile. I took Hieu home after and I tried to study abit tonight but it was hard to concentrate :( 

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