Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Work was uber boring today ! Life sucks with no internet when you're bored ! While I was walking around Inala, I saw this asian little kid pulled down his pant in the middle of Inala and pee'd on the garden :L Inala right there ! After work, I bumped into Td at woolies so we went around shopping for abit. 

Came home to my assignments :( I hate it ! Pumba came over while I was doing it so I stopped and talked with him. I felt like not staying at home cause I know I have to do my assignment so I picked Vi up and drove her to choir practice while I stayed there and played with the kiddies :) It was somewhat fun ! I want to be younger to have more energy like them ! 

After the practice, I took Vi to Woolies to get some grocerly then took her home. I came home to facing one of my worst enemies ! The assignment, it's like death itself ! I shall devour this death and conquer it ! COME AT ME WITH YOUR FULL STRENGTH MR LAB REPORT ! 

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