Wednesday, May 7, 2014

War zone

Bumped into Tai on the way to uni today :) Had a good catch up with him. Before my prac, I went with him to meet up with Vinh and chilled for abit before I left to my prac. The prac was alot better than last prac cause we actually get to do stuff :) It was easy ! I got a seven ! Yaaay ! After the prac, I met up with Pumba in the city and we did some shopping :) Got some buys though but not much. 

We bumped into Tam on the bus home and that was also a good catch up :) I came home to dinner and rest for abit until I had to go to one of my Thieu Nhi meeting. The meeting was alright :) It didn't drag on for too long ! After the meeting, I took Vi to Kien's to get some stuff for her party then took her home. Drove up to Haoke for Yum Cha with some of the other guys :) Good talk up there and now, I am home and my room is so messy ! Gotta clean it again soon ! Maybe tomorrow ! 

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