Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Andy ♥ Lan-Anh

♥ Congratulations Andy and Lan-Anh !! 
16/05/2014 - Friday

Work was pretty boring since I have no net. I can't wait until I can use my internet on my phone again. Went to mass tonight and it was the same same. Afterward, I chilled there for awhile until Nam and I decided to go late night in the city. So I drove all the way up there and we bumped into Linh while walking to David Jones. I haven't seen her in so long ! I offered her a lift home too ! Nam and I bought a Hugo Boss Tie clip :) It's looks pretty amazing ! So exxy though but I'm a baller ! 

We had dinner at Nando's before we headed back to Linh's. Chilled there with her and her brother, Minh before we headed home. 

17/05/2014 - Saturday

Today was the day Andy and Lan Anh got married ! Yaaaay ! :) So I got woken up super duper early with my family and drove my parents up to Andy's place for the marriage ceremony. I helped out with the cooking and did alot of trips to the shops to get missing ingredient. We then formed a line to welcome the bride's family. Had that long spench and whatnot before we had a few snacks. I took off early to deliever food to the priest and managed to get home and get changed into my mass outfit. 

Ai-Van picked me up and we went to Rosalie Church. Since we got there early, we helped set up most of the decorations ! The couple finally get married ! YAAAAY ! Congratulations Andy and Lan-Anh !!! <3
We took heaps of photos after mass then Nam, Anthony and Myself went back to Inala for steak :) It was so good since we were so hungry ! 

I got home and rested abit before heading to the reception at Landmark. It was a really good and fun wedding ! I really enjoyed it :) Also performed my dance with Andy :) Drank alot too ! It took me so much effort just to go to the toilet. After most of the people left, we started up the dance floor and it was really fun ! Also helped chuck Andy and Lan-Anh up in the air ! 

After the wedding, I headed to Hong's 20th Birthday. Everyone there was pretty drunk when I got there. Another party, another dance floor ! 

18/05/2014 - Sunday

Another normal day at Thieu Nhi today. I had fun with my Tuoi Tho kids today :) After Tn, we had a Ban Ky yeu work to do at mine. We worked from like 1pm -6pm :( We were all so tired ! I died on my bed :(

19/05/2014 - Monday

I went over to Randy's place to do my assignment. We were getting hungry so we went and bought ingredients to cooked Pasta !! Yaaay ! We also cooked it for Cindy and Vee since they were there. After eating our delicious pasta, we watched Godzilla ! It was okay ! I expected it to be better though. I then picked Vi up from Inala and drove her home.

20/05/2014 - Tuesday

Work was really boring today. I am trying to manage my time tonight :) 

Here are some photos from the wedding !

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