Friday, May 2, 2014

A World Away

Woke up and started to finish another of my assignment ! I then drove up to Uni with Thien and we met up with Quan, Leon and Kyle. I helped them with their assignments before I headed to the city to meet up with Vi and Thu. We went to Passiontree for dessert and I also met, vannessa? She seems pretty chill :) 

We walked back to QUT and met up with Kristy and I took all of them home. Thu came over to chilled at mine for abit before I went to dance practice at night. It was an alright practice :) Afterward, a few of us went to eat at Stir Fry Master near Nathan Campus. The food was okay, it wasn't that great ! 

I am finally free of two assignments ! It felt so good after I handed them in :) 

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