Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Don't Stop

4/05/2014 - Sunday

After Thieu Nhi today, a couple of us stayed back to eat Pho that the community has made. It was yummy ! Afterward, we followed Chu Tien to his fabric warehouse where we would take the fabric that we needed for LBM. On the way back, Td's car had a flat tyre so we gotta replace it with his spare. Then the Thieu Nhi boys (5 of us boys) went back to Thang's to practice singing our song that we are going to sing for Anh Andy's wedding. It was a good practice, we got off tracked and started to have a kara sesh :L 

I came home and prepared to go to church. It was really cold ! I sat with Anthony, Nam, Jaequline and her sister. Towards the end of mass, we got choose to walk up to the priest in front of everyone to give them gifts.... I was totally unprepared to do that :( After church, I stayed back with the community to eat Bun Bo Hue ! Yum ! 

It's a really busy day today and I ended my day by going over to Phap's place to get Tham to help me write up a essay in viet for Thieu Nhi. We then had another kara sesh with Chi Lua, Anh Phuong and Anh Day. This time, it was in viet :L I came home so tired and forgot to blog.

5/05/2014 - Monday

I skipped Uni today and went out to Inala to have lunch with Anh Phap. Vi and Thu also came afterward. We chilled for awhile before I took the girls home and met up with Phap at his house before we went to DFO in the airport. I managed to get some good buys :) We picked up Tham from work then home we went. Phap came over to mine to chilled. My parents had a look at all the Thieu Nhi people poems and it was funny :L 

6/05/2014 - Tuesday

I went to work today and it was cold. Pumba came out to chilled for abit. It was really quiet and empty today :( 

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