Friday, June 7, 2013

29th LBM

The stage I designed and made :) Thanks Anh Phap and Tham with helping me make it :) 
P.S. There are more pictures at the end of this post. 
I will post the video on when I get it ! 
(It looks like a drawing but it isn't ! It's 3D LOL) 
31/04/2013 - Friday 

After work, I headed to church straight away to practice and rehearse my dance and skit. Just a night practicing for everyone :) Afterward, a few of us went to Sunnybank to eat since we were so hungry ! We ate a Mayala Coner. I watched the people eat since I had no money and I didn't want anyone to pay for me :) Ice cream for desert afterward. Yum ! When we got back to Trung Tam, I decided to run home instead of going by car. While running, I stole Mymy's hat while she was walking into her house and Vincent stopped by to use the bathroom :L 

01/06/2013 - Saturday

Cancelled work so I could spend my whole day preparing the stage and hall for the big night on Sunday :) Got there at nine with Hoa and Anh Phap and we just started working on the stage. A few others came to help but since I was the Big Boss, I just told them to do this and that. While Phap and I took the bigger job. It was a really tiring day. A whole day working with only like 30 mins rest :( I even slept over there with a couple of guys. We played cards and gambled until three LOL I got so much profit :) It was fun ! It was so cold sleeping on the stage and I gave my sleeping bag to Thang since he didn't have one and I wore my onesie to sleep. Should had kept my sleeping bag ! 

02/06/2013 - Sunday

Happy 29th LBM Thieu Nhi ! 

When we woke up, we chilled for like 10 mins before we headed home to get our uniform and start Thieu Nhi. I pretty much couldn't teach my class since I was still busy doing the stage :( Went to bin dive with Hoa and also shop around for stuff with Anh Phap. Came home and did the music and printed out the words for the stage. Busy busy daaay ! I was pretty much dead heeey ! 

Came home and took a 10 mins nap before I headed back out for church. When we got there, Phap and I started to put the glow stick onto the chalice but that was a mission we abandon half way through since it took so long to stay on and we were running out of time :( Got the kids to line up and get ready for church. 

We walked in line of two's with me leading in front with the flag. There was some delayed and I walked in with a couple of people thinking that everyone else was behind but they wasn't since the priest weren't ready.... awkies ! So embarrassing haha. 

After mass, I rushed over to the stage as fast as I could to prepare the fire with Anh Phap. It took ages to turn off all the lights and Phap and I have already got the fire ready LOLOL. We got a massive delayed since they were trying to play the music, also, they played the wrong music haha opps ! oh well, the skit music still suit for the fire. I told the boys to pull the curtain then I lit my hands on fire and use that fire on my hand to lit the bread up. Once the bread was lit up, Phap pulled the bread back into the back of the stage via a fishing line :) Our stage worked so goood ! Everyone was amazed at the blue flames ! :D :D 

My hand was burning up during the process so I fully placed my hand into a bucket of water haha. Made the stage abit wet :L Had to rush over to the other side to get change for my Hip Hop dance right after the fire. Yaaay ! Our dance went well ! I also did my skit LOL. I hate talking in Viet lololol. So embarrassing ! Every performance went well ! Good work guys ! You all did a good job ! After everyone left, we stayed back to eat our foods since we were too busy to eat anything :( 

A lot of the guys/girls left to go home to sleep while, Td, Anh Phap, Andy and I mopped the whole hall floor while some of the girls watched us haha. We did the same thing last year too ! Too good at mopping now :) Husband material right dere ! We all left, and the four of us, Td, Mymy, Vy and I headed to Pancake Manor at Garden City but sadly, it was close.... nuuuu ! Ended up at Big Gun afterward for some midnight Yum cha :) 

03/06/2013 - Monday

Woke up early to drive daddy to work and I was soo tired ! Need more sleeep ! After dropping my dad off, I went over to Hannah's and I parked my car at her house and took her car and her to the driving place to get her P's. After she got it, she drove me around :) Firstly, we went to Bunnings so I could get my dad a Bonsai for his Birthday on Thursday. Yaay ! I got a pretty one aswell ! 

She drove to Harvery Norman afterward so she could get a GPS. We got a decent one too ! Came home and I got called out to go eat. Mymy and Chi Quynh came over to chill for awhile before Andy came. Later, we headed to Runcorn for Sushi but the place was closed on Monday's :( We ended up at Madtongsan in Warrigal centre. Yummy ! Korean food onomnomnom ! 

Came home and I took a nap. It was such a good one too ! Too bad, I got woken up a few times :( damn you phone and bell ! Andy came over during the night and he wanted to go out and eat. Johhnie, Hoa, Td came over and we headed to Sunnybank. Picked up Chi Quynh, Linh and Hong-Anh on the way. We ate at Taste Gallery. Afterward, we all head back to Chi Quynh house to chill and eat Ben's and Jerry's ice cream. Andy and I went for a walk to the park to get wood to burn our fire. The grass was wet so our feet got wet :( Ate dry squid and fish :) yummy ! 

04/06/2013 - Tuesday

Tafe was quite boring. Did some study there and ace'd my exams :) Yaaay ! Came home and took a nap. Nothing much happened today. 

05/06/2013 - Wednesday

Went and picked up Tony and Mande in the morning before we headed to Movie World with the group. Parked my car at Hannah's. We took Hannah's mum Tarago since it was an eight seater and we wanted to take one car only. Tony drove it and picked up Teresa, Randy and Ronnie on the way. Yaaay ! Movie World trip ! We played car games while we were waiting to get there ! Dropped by Yatala Pie's to get some pies for breakfast ! Yuumm ! We got to MW and yaaay ! I got in for free since I still have my VIP pass :) The line for most of the rides was short :) So good there was no kids around ! All tourists :) It was such a fun daay ! Watched the Stunt cars again :) It's always good ! Took a few photos and had a few laughs ;) 

I drove us home and it's so much easier driving an auto haha. Got back home and dropped everyone off at Hannah's. I took Teresa home then came home to shower and watch anime. My step grandma also came back to Brisbane :) Welcome baaack ! 

 Later on during the night, I went over to Tony's to watch Origin with the guys/girls. Neilson, Denis and Tina was there including the group from movie world :) We ate Pizza Capers while watching.  OMG ! QLD played so baaad ! We all lost our money T_T QLD better win next gameee ! I blame the refs aswell ! So biased ! Drove Mande home then watched anime all night ! 

06/06/2013 - Thursday

Happy 60th Birthday Papa ! 
Went shopping at Harvey Norman with my daddy in the morning ! After Harvey Norman, we went out to Inala to go shopping with my step-grandma. Came home and ate then off to tafe I went ! Studied for my exam in the first class and did he exam in the second class. 100% ! Yaaay ! passed ! I got nothing wrong :) 

Came home and took a nap before getting ready for my daddy's 60th Birthday Party. We celebrated at Nha Hang Que Huong. I sat at the kids table :) moreee food for me since kids don't eat much hehehe. ONOMNOMNOM ! I got so full ! Got all the kids to play the ninja game outside while the adults was still eating.

After a while, it was the time to sing Happy Birthday ! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY !!! (^) I managed to put a little piece of cake on his face without letting him noticing :D I started to cake my cousin face first then we started having a cake battle LOL. We were stopped by the adults after a while hahah ! It was so fun ! My daddy is soo old now ! wait, he's so ancient naaooo ! 

Came home and watched him open the presents ! :) 

07/06/2013 - Friday

Work today was okay ! Just me thinking over and over about scenarios hahaha. It was quite boring at times. 
Cha Ho came over during the night to eat with us. Nothing much happened today. 

Td's drawing of Savio ! ( I coloured it in (Y) )

Thieu Nhi - Blues

Skit - Ht/Dt

Angled shot of stage (still looks like it's coloured in LOL) 

Modeling - Thieu Nhi

Tuoi tho - Pink

 Hip Hop Dance - DT/NS

 DT/HT Final photo ! 29th LBM ! 

 NS - Yellow
 Indian dance - NS/DT/HT
 Skit - DT/HT
 Au Nhi - Greens
Thieu Nhi - Blue

 Happy Birthday DAD ! You still have alot of haaaair ! 

Birthday Cake ! 

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