Saturday, June 15, 2013



14/06/2013 - Friday

Today was an okaay day I suppose, firstly was work which was the old same same. Afterward, rushed to the gym to do a quick sesh before going to my DT class for youth. I decided to walk there instaed of driving since I am not a lazy ass mother-beeper !  :) I had to carry the projector from my place to the church though. The lesson dragged on for quite long but I managed to learn a few things that I have learnt before :L it was pretty much revision for me haha. During the class, Hannah, Randy and Tony kept calling me haha. I was meant to go out with them but I couldn't make it. 

Afterward, we chilled for abit and everyone decided to go to Big Gun to eat. They told me to lock up so I did. Becca helped me lock up then when I came outside, everyone left except for Becca, Linh and Hong-anh. Everyone ditched meeee :( FOREVER ALONEEE ! 

Becca drove us to Just Soy since Ronnie and that was there and they wanted dessert before Yum cha and used me as an excuse to go there first :L Got there and chilled with the other group before heading to Big Gun and meeting up with the rest of the Thieu Nhi Team.  

Everyone ate except for me since I didn't feel like it and no money :L Just a good chilling day I guess ! It was quite fun :) oh, I forgot to give back Mymy phone last night woopsie ! Sorry Mymy ! 

15/06/2013 - Saturday

Work again today and it was okay. Before work, I headed over to Mymy's to return her phoneee ! while working Nam came out and I chilled with him until Little Long came out and we both were so bored so we just made up games on the spot to kill boredom. I ended up buying a pack of cards and playing 13 with him while working haha. Multitasking at its finest ! 

Later on during the night, I went to visit Ai-Van at the hospital with Mymy. She's sick again :( Aww poor girl ! I hope she gets better ! Wait, no, she will get better ! Chilled there with her for awhile and just wanted to make her have fun and be happy I suppose since staying at the hospital is soo boring ! 

While I was leaving the hospital and we were on the elevator to go down the floor, I bumped into my parents and uncle who was going to visit her hahaha. I didn't know my Mummy and Daddy was gonna be there :L I pretty much said to then, "Hello Mummy, Hello Daddy !  Bye byeee ! LOL

Afterward, Mymy and I headed to Fusion Cafe and Dessert. It was a nice restaurant, the waitress dressed in maids uniform :D We ate dessert first until Pumba, Chuong and Vy came up later. Just chilling and eating :) 

Oh, I decided to give my phone to Mymy tonight since I had her phone with me all last night. Time to redeem myself !  I can last without my phone :) haha ! Night 1 with no phone ! I can do thisss ! 

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