Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Woke up and I felt better than yesterday. Drove daddy to work then came home and watched Shiki ! Finished it :) I've only started watching it yesterday and I finished it today :) Yaaay ! That 25 episode was nothing to meee ! 

My aunty called me out to look over her store for an hour or so. I rushed out and helped her :) Came home and cleaned my room and did mah chores. I was meant to lay down in bed for 10 mins but it turned out to be 60 mins nap LOL. Dammit ! Must not take a nap tomorrow ! I need to be able to sleep early at night ! 

Phap came over during the night and we did some planning on the gate. Finished the design :) Yaaay ! Now, I just gotta go make it :( Designing is the easy part but making it is something else...

1 comment:

  1. I keep seeing shiki everywhere on tumblr now T_T it basically fills my dash -_-
