Sunday, June 16, 2013


Happy 40th Birthday Cau Khaaanh ! Also Happy Birthday to Cha Ho :) 

Not having a phone for a night is pretty good :) No more playing on my phone when I suddenly wake up in the middle of the night :) 

Today, I woke up early for church then headed to Youth. Had to teach my class and I found out, I taught them better while telling them the story and drawing it out :) After youth, I chilled there for abit before heading home. Td and Vi came over to mine and Pumba was already over. We just chilled for awhile. 

Afterward, Td went to get food and I had to drive Vi to Inala. Came back and Td was waiting for me :L We watched a few anime before he headed home. I immediately took a quick nap before I head over to my uncle's for his 40th Birthday Party ! 

Went over there early to help out but they seemed like they have enough adults around so I played with the little kiddies :) Apparently, the little girls was like the power puff police while I was the criminal :L haha I love kids ! After a while, I got tired so I hid around the house and they always managed to fine meee ! Chilled in Thu's room with Kim, Linh and Phoung for awhile. 

Came out and played more with the kids ! I am such a kid magnet ahahaha. I decided to cake my uncle while he was cutting his cake and then, we started a cake fight so Thu, Linh and I got caked backed.... My face and hair is so stinky ewww ! Afterward, we watched the kids show they made ! It was showtime ! Awww they are sooo cute ! Did a magic trick aswell ! I was called up to be one of their helpers :) It was a good party :)

After the party ended, I headed over to Phap's house for the youth meeting but when I got there, they just ended haha so we chilled and talk pretty much. It was funny talking about the past and just mucking around hahaha. 

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