Monday, June 24, 2013


She's so strong and brave ! Always caring for her family <3

23/06/2013 - Sunday

Last night, on Saturday, I played cards with my family instead of studying haha. Showed them a few magic tricks and they were so amazed and couldn't figure out how I did it :L 

I wrote up an exam paper for my class five minutes before Thieu Nhi start LOL. That's super last minute right there hahaha. Let the class do the exams then I marked it and some did quite bad but, I told everyone they pass :) After youth, We DT's got our big exam to do. It was 8 question and one page pretty much took up a question for me :( It was abit hard but oh well ! DT 4 Lyfee ! 

Came home and chilled until I got called out to get Bamboo at Andy's place. We chopped a few then off to Andy's house for a BBQ with Thieu Nhi. The food was alright, sweet potatoes, chicken, corn and pumpkin. We also got abit of steak :) The original 5 was there ! We was just missing Tam but Td replaced him. We had our laugh haha while the oldies was still eating outside. So much awesome chilling happened. 

Everyone came back in and we just talked pretty much. After a while, we watched our LBM video and we spotted so many funny mistakes but everything was good :) We could even see my hand on fire :) Yaaay ! Watched a few funny youtube vids after the video and we also have a meeting at 10 at night LOL. So late ! Just a normal meeting about camp and what we need to do since camp if on Friday ! 

I came home and daddy was using my computer but I wanted to sleep ! He used it till 1 at night..... There goes my sleep ! 

24/06/2013 - Monday

Daddy woke me up since he used my computer in the morning. Bye bye sleep again LOL. Drove him to work afterward then came home and did my Tn stuff. Phap, Tham and her cousin came over to help. We managed to cut out the wave and paint it :) Also paint the sea creatures ! It was kinda fun but tiring ! I got paint stuck all over me :( 

After working, Tham and her cousin went home and Phap and I wanted a break so we watched One Piece the movie :) OP FAH LYFEEE ! Later on in the night, My Brother and I went to Vincent's place to pray for his Step-Grandma. We picked up Hong An and Linh. We didn't know where the house was so we used instint and we saw a guy who looked like Vincent's dad so we thought that was the house and there was plenty of cars parked outside. We got there and omfg... Wrong house LOLOL awkies !

Found the correct house and they started to pray already. Most of the Old Thieu Nhi leaders was there :) After praying, we chilled and just talked. Pretty cool how most of the leaders get to meet each other again ! Pretty much like another Reunion. Mymy drove me home since my brother left me there LOLOL.

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