Thursday, June 20, 2013


Today was quite a productive day I must say :) First of all, I drove daddy to work and did most of my chores. Went to Gym afterward and worked pretty hard. Did a tiny bit of shopping at woolies before heading to Inala to pick up Pumba. Got back to mine and ate left over food from last night for lunch. Mymy and Johnnie came over after a while. I told them the design for the gate so we started to get down to business and make a man out of chu !  Johnnie and I went to bin dive for more cardboard at Harvey Norman. 

Got back and Mymy started to draw and cut on out the sea creatures while Pumba, Jonnie and I did the hoses. (Will tell you the design of the gate when I finished making it and putting it to good use) After we finished with the hoses, we went and helped Mymy out. I drew a cut Mermaid that looks like Mymy hahaha. It has the same hair as Mymy and I didn't even realized until after I drew it lol.

After a while, we were all done and they all left. Went back to finishing my chores and went and pick up Daddy from work. Had dinner then Mymy came over to pick me up to go watch Thang's touch game. We picked Td up on the way and off we went ! Got there and the game hasn't started yet. Saw Tony, Thuan and Nattaliee there ! She's still alive guys haha. Haven't seen Thuan in so long so I had a catch up with him. 

The game was quite intense but our team, the underdog was by far winning :) 9-3 Maaan ! Yaaaay ! ThangA scores so many try ! GOOD WORK THANG ! They won and got the trophy ! It was so windy and cold aswell ! But tis was a good game :) After the game, Mymy, Td and I headed to Fusion Cafe and Dessert for some sweeties ! Ate and chilled for awhile :)

Today really was productive :) Hopes everyday is like this ! 

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