Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Today was an alright day I suppose. Woke up in the morning then did an hour worth of chores. Td came over then we both took our cars to Bunnings to do some shopping for camp. Met Pumba there and shopped around.

After Bunnings, we needed to go get cardboard since alot of Ht's have requested for it. Drove to Bunnings and there was nothing to bin dive :( went over to Good Guys and we found the pot of gold in the end of the rainbow :) So many big cardboards ! Our cars was full of it haha. Officeworks was the next stop. 

We all went back to Trung Tam to check our storeroom of what we have and set out what stuff to bring to camp. Hoa came later with food ! Cheaper Tuesday means KFC guise ! We rested abit while eating. While doing work, Mymy came to help :) I split everyone up with jobs since I was the leader of the group :( I hate being the leader ! Pumba and Td went to pick up Vy and headed to Inala to do some shopping while I Hoa went to get the Trophy and refill the gas bottle. I drove Mymy and myself to Spotlight to get some fabric.

Finally went to refill up on petrol :L $60 gone right dere ! We got some farbic there and while we were on our way back, we got a called to go get a snake since the Inala team couldn't find one so we turned into Overflow at Jindalee. Got the snake there for $2 :) Was on the way back again then we got another call to get balls.... sighh I turned into Mt Ommany and we got some balls at Kmart ! Yaaay ! I finally have balls now LOL. Met Lam and Van there also :L 

We came back to mine and Hoa was already there waiting :L Aww poor him ! Came inside and chilled. We were gonna do work but Td left the spray paint back in the store room and we were lazy to go back there to get it :L Let Mymy play Kingdom Heart on my 3DS and Hoa just laid in bed LOL. Pumba, Td and Vy came later and we pretty much just chilled at mine :) 

They went off to go eat but since I didn't have money, I didn't wanna go so I stayed home and did Thieu Nhi Money business :) Managed to count and sort out most of the money ! Yaaay ! Job well done Lammie ! 

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