Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Spread A Little Love

08/06/2013 - Saturday

Work was pretty boring, just the usual, nothing happened :( oh, something did happen ! The police caught this guy in front of the Reject shop, he was stealing money or something or maybe he got rejected and went cray cray ! [Get it, he was rejected in front of the reject shop ! hur hur hur, I am so funny lol jokes ! That was so dry :( ] He got pulled down to the ground and handcuffed. He was white haha, you all thought it was a black fellow hey, HEY ! 

After work, I drove my Step-Grandma and mummy over to my uncle's to visit them. When we got there, my cousin was babysitting so many kids ! So I started to play with them haha ! So much fun ! I want a kid naaao ! Someone ! Make me a daddy pleaseee ! 

Came home and pray with my grandma until I went to pickup Td and went over to Mymy's so we could go to Indro to watch the Hang Over III. When we got to the cinema, it was closed... :( WTF ! NOOOOO ! My life is half oveeeer ! 

Drove back to Mymy's and we watched "The Secret World of Arrietty". I've already seen it but it was good watching it again. Td fell asleep watching it so Mymy and I had to wake him up at the end of the movie haha. 

Walked home to get my car and drove Td home. Came home and it was 12 but I decided to stay up watching anime :)

09/06/2103 - Sunday

Thang and Td came over after church. Chilled for abit before we headed to Thieu Nhi. Got there, and we had a revision class with Anh Andy. During second break, I had to help them do the camp form and had to run back and forth to my house twice ! Just to print a copy of the form out. 

After Thieu Nhi, the camp team had a meeting and I had to be in it and I am one of the main people in it :( We went for food after the meeting :) Anh Long decided to shout us all at his restaurant :) Yaaay ! Free foood but we felt like we needed to pay anyways but he wouldn't accept it :( 

Came home and took a nap until Andy came over to play Chinese Chess with my daddy.
Afterward, I went over to Chi Quynh's place to pray for her uncle who just passed away. Praying was quite short. 

Chilled there for abit before most of us headed to go eat some food. We went all the way to Hamition for Steak :) Yum ! Phap, Tham and I shared and I also had some of Mymy's :) Afterward, we were gonna go get some dessert but Tham felt sick so Mymy, Phap and I took her home. 

10/06/2013 - Monday

Happy Queen's Birthday guisee ! 
Woke up early to do my assignments. Daddy forced me to go to this party with him. I did my assignment on the way there lol. I needed to finish this assignment asap ! I've been leaving it to the last last minute... it was due last week but I didn't go to tafe last week to hand it in haha. My motivation to do these assignment, was to watch Hangover III when I am done with them ! Finally ! at like three, I finished most of them and headed over to Mymy's to watch Hangover III. It wasn't what I expected but it was still good :) Chilled over there for awhile before I headed home.

Drove over to Chi Quynh to pray again. We chilled after praying then I got changed in public and headed to gym. Got home at like 10ish and I was so hungry ! Dinner at 10 ! Taste sooo goood ! Eating dinner by myself :( Forever alone in my family ! 

11/06/2013 - Tuesday

Went to tafe and spent the whole day there ! Yaay Lammie ! you didn't go home early :) Fixed up my assignment abit before handing it in and did a few exams. Got a big exam tomorrow but I am so so lazy to study :( Completely tired from class today T_T

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