Thursday, June 13, 2013


Spent my morning catching up on anime and studied abit for my final exam. Pretty much rest up at home then I headed to tafe and spent an hour studying for the exam until we had to do it. It was an okay exam :) I managed to pass ! lol jokes, I always pass :) Yaaay ! No more tafe for this semester ! So happy ! Holidays ! I am coming at chuuu ! But then, I gotta plan for camp :( The life of Lam !

Afterward I drove Daut home and oh god. It was quite a long drive since we were stuck in traffic.... I HATE PEAK HOURS ! He lives in Marsden. So faaar ! I didn't really know my way back from his street to the main street so I had to use my GPS that my dad gave me :) It came in handle ! I've been leaving it in the car and haven't touched it until now :) Got stuck in a traffic jam AGAIN on the way home :( It was pretty much an hour and a half drive :( All dat petrol T_T 

When I got home, I designed a few gates for camp but I am not too sure which one to actually use for camp. And this is only the design of it.... we will have to go make it afterward :( Another two weeks until camp ! You can do this Lammmieee ! 

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