Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Super Bass

Went to work for awhile then went to Ice staking with the guys then came back to work. Ice staking was alright. Td came over and we worked on our banner for our games. Did a lot of work until we procrastinated and went on my lappy and watch anime.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

You and I

Went to work today since aunty is busy again It was hot as.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Pink Romance

Td and I went to city to see the Kpop flash mob. We met up with Mymy, Pumba and Linda and went around eating and drinking to kill time til the Flash mob started. It was pretty crappy. It wasn't really a flash mob cause it was planned heavily. Even the dance I'm doing right now is better then this but meh. Saw Ronnie, Lyhn and Hong there. Walked to South bank after and went to the rock pool. We dipped our feet in then Td and i decided to take our shirt and pants off and get fully wet. It felt so cool and good. Went and caught the 110 cause we didn't wanna leave Linda to go home by herself. It took ages to get back to Inala. Sorry My Bus Driver, your seat is abit wet LOL.

Td came over my place since both of us have a meeting at Maccas tonight. We took a nap then just chilled. Went to Maccas and ate then stayed there for 2.5 hours. It was abit boring since it was talk talk and talk. Of course there was other people there so we are not gay LOL. Just got home and I just remembered I have work tomorrow sigh.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

My My

Went shopping for more prizes with the youth group teacher. Most teachers showed up. Went around Inala to get toys from the cheapo stores then head to Sam's warehouse at Forest Lake to get more stuff. Went over to Thang's to do our banners and paint them. Chilled there for awhile then half of the group went home ( The oldies) then the rest went to Inala and wasted one good hour doing nothing there haha.We were deciding what to do LOL. 

More people left then the 6 of us went over to Mymy's to watch Rio. So cute !. We couldn't decide what to do next so Mymy was like I'll surprise you guys. We got to the park in 18 miles something and just played around there. Headed to Pumba's afterward to chill then back to Richards maccas like always.

Cousin came over at night and we talked about stuff. It was quite fun. Played around.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Oh My Gosh

Went to Inala to get a haircut and met up with Em Xau xi to give her the stuff she ordered. Walked around with her then she went of to the bus stop.
I haven't been to the hairdresser in 2 years since I've been cutting my own hair ever since. My hair is so short now. hahaha it's very short now but the good thing is it's much cooler than having long hair in this heat. I can feel the air go past my ears now. So cool.

Got called to go over to Ai-van's to practice our dance. Went over there and practice abit then B ball with the boys. Chilled around and played Bloody Mary and had to drink a liter of water when someone loses. I didn't lose any round YAY.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Ice Cube

So during the day I spent my time either eating or sleeping. It was so boring and humid.

Got called to come over to Mymy's for another dance practice. I was so lazy to get change so I walk there with my Strang pants and a singlet. Walked to Maccas later and saw Vinh haha. He saw me as a hobo today haha. Went back and practiced some dance moves for Ice Cube. Thought of ideas for our dance and so on.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Take me away

Went to Sunrise Warehouse at Brown Plains today with Pumba, Mymy and Td and brought some prizes for the Funfest. Spent around $100 but we still need to go back there for some other prizes. Ate at Urban Burger then went to Justsoy cafe for dessert. Went back to Mymy place and play with the kiddies. Got home and rest up then went over to Mymy's again for dance prac. The only person who wasn't there was Linda since she have camp. Learnt abit and picked out songs to use. Didn't really do much since we didn't stay there for long.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Be My Baby Dance

Went shopping with my dad for awhile then headed out to Inala. Stayed at my aunt's shop for some time so my uncle could take a nap. Saw Randy out there hunting for jobs but he got rejected by the pho's restrurant cause they said he couldn't see when he is cooking.

Met Td out there and went around looking for stuff we can use for our game that we need to prepare for Funfest (Youth group festival for the kids). We got bored so we called Mymy and Thang to go over to Thang place. Got over there and played around. Decided to have a dance practice night tonight so we called everyone to go over to Mymy place at 6:30. When I got home from Thang place, daddy mad me work on the garden. Had to dig and dig and carry stuff. So tiring since it was so humid today. Thang and Td came over to my place later on and chilled. Went to St Marks Christmas Concert and met Hoa and Huy. Stayed there for abit then headed to Mymy's.

So the Dance consisted of Me, Thang, Td, Linda, Mymy and Ai-van.
Since Thang, Td and I already knows the tuting of Lucifer, we had to teach the girls. They were so bad and slow. Took us guys like 10-20 mins to learn it by ourself while the girls took like an hour and a half. Learnt a bit more of boyfriend then we just chilled and youtubeed shit.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wings Up

So today I spent my time working for my aunty since she was busy with stuff. It was like 9 hours of doing nothing except saying "hello, what can I help you with" and taking money, giving change and putting items in a bag. Talked to Tony for awhile since I work right next to him LOL. David and Steven was out there and talked to them for abit.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Pop Pop Pop

Stayed home today and drove grandpa around to get stuff. Went to dentist to check up on my teeth and it was pretty good yay. No problems occurred. Was meant to go out twice today but I was lazy and stayed home.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Back to the Memories

After youth today, Thang, Hoa, Td, Anh Khoa and Johnnie rock up at Pumba's place party but there were so many people there so Thang, Hoa, Td and I decided to go shopping at DFO for a bit. Went around all the cool stores and bought matching tee and thongs. I was there bank since they didn't have money. Spent like $100 on all four of us. Went back to Pumba's and had a feast at leftovers since most of the people left. We were called the "Vacuum" to clean up the leftovers HAHA. Afterward they came back to my house to chill but Hoa and Td fell asleep on my bed and  Thang and I played Street Fighter. Went to a Family Dinner at Shangrila. It was alright then we went to Market Square for desserts and home we went.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Best Friend

Mum woke me up to go to cemetery with her and my grandpa. Went to Inala after and went shopping with them. Haven't shop with my family in a while now. Air con was so refreshing. Cousin came over and played with me then I went and took a nap since I wanted to be fat-ter. When I woke up I saw my cousin sleeping lol, he was bored cause I wasn't playing with him anymore so he went to sleep aswell.

Went to a movie night and watched Insidious. It was funny  when my friends left the room cause they were scared but it really wasn't that scary. -

Friday, November 18, 2011

I'll remember you, Seniors 2011

Take care my friends be safe and don't die. Live in Eternal Happiness and pursue your dreams to it maximum limits. We will be friends forever.  Seniors 2011 Forever !

I can't believe today was our graduation day. It seems like that I've only started high school last week. It went by so fast. That five years of High School was boring at times but the time was precious indeed. That time was one that I would never forgotten in my whole entire life. The time spent studying, playing, talking, mucking around, getting in trouble, sleeping, tucking in shirts, fixing up ties, stealing and returning things, trolling teachers and friends and that time when we had Grade 11 Camp and Formal was something that I would never do again except for just remembering about it.

Went to school today feeling as it was a normal day at school but in the end it wasn't. People were tearing up and I just sat there trying to hold it in.
We had our Graduation Ceremony and had speeches and so on. There was so fail in the ceremony since half of my form class didn't have seats and had to sat on the walk way. Fail ! but we still continue the ceremony as if nothing had happened. We went up by form class to get our graduation. I was meant to get prefect attendance but instead for excellent attendance for some reason I do not know but I don't really care about that. Afterward the principal did an amazing rap for us which was pretty awesome I must say. The deputy dismissed us one by one by form class and went out to the Guard of Honour (Made by the grade 11's but it was pretty shit compared to our Guard of Honour we did last year LOL) 

Alot of people started to tear up and I hugged alot of friends. Went over to A block and heard that some people didn't get their graduation sheet in the folder but instead they received a bill to pay for what they needed to pay over the last 5 years LOL. fricken Corinda aye hahaha.

Afterward Kiet, Myvy, Teresa and I went to Sunnybank and went shopping for abit then we met up with the others. Went over to Market square to eat but everyone went to eat something Kiet and I didn't want to eat (we were sick of those kind of food), so we ditched them but they force us to come with then, so we quietly ran away then walked to Little Taipei for steak but when we got there we saw the group walking out from there so we quickly went into this medicine shop and waited for the group to go somewhere else. Hmm Steak YUM ! It was pretty cheap and worth it compared to Little Hong Kong, where the others ate. Afterward Kiet and I went over to pick up the others but they haven't finish eating yet so Myvy, Kiet, Teresa and I walked back to funhosue and played Dayturner. Parted ways with Teresa and we kept waving at her since we will barely see her anymore. Got the bus to city and then, Myvy and Kiet left us to go home.

Went to topz and just Funhouse there for awhile. Hannah and I went and play this zombie shooting game. It was hard as. Our hands got tired after playing it. Died to a massive ugly boss. Later on we all went to Qcity to sing.

Then We left Hannah, Steven and Vinh and head to South Bank to swim cause I wanted to swim so bad man. Walked around in the heat and I was pretty exited that I'm gonna swim. First thing I did when we got there was took my shirt, pants and shoes off and jumped into the pool. After a while I convinced Kevin Le to join me and he did. Ronnie, Lynn, Vinh, Hong, Tuan and Randy just chilled by the side. Randy got pushed in and went abit argo cause his pants got wet. Kevin and I swam in our Strang pants like a baus bro. Advertising the pants for Damon already LOL.  

Hong and Lynn went home while the other five of us walked to city so Kevin and I can dry ourself. Got there and just ate then home we went. When we got back to Inala, Kevin and I walked Tuan home in our Strang pants since it was still wet and sandy. More advertising in Inala LOL. 

Got home and saw my cousin playing on my laptop. I convinced my dad to let me drive him home. The last time I drove was last year. It has been quite a while now. Dad was in the car telling me to slow down when I'm going 40 when it was on a 50 road. Sigh, I don't like driving with him but I have to since mum was taking a shower. My skills are still perfect hahaha. The graduation still hasn't kicked in yet. I'm still thinking that I still have school on Monday just like nothing had happened today. It will kick in on Monday when I wake up early to get ready for school when I don't have school anymore.

Here are some photos that was taken
Advertising at it finest 
 Swimming so is fun in this heat
 Strang Pants FTW !

This is quite a long post guise. Soz about that but alot happened today. Ima go add teachers on Facebook now byeee~!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


So at school today we had this talk about driving and peer pressure and the consequences of a crash. Afterward we had our rehearsal for tomorrow graduation. 

So today after school I went home and took a nap. Had a dream. It was about me and a few friends after school today, we went to Subway to eat. After we ate we squished 6 people into the car to head to Inala. On there way there and since we had that driving program thingo we joked around saying "oh we better put our seat belts on, My gut is telling me to get out. Lemme out, I need to vomit, etc and etc." Turns out the friend that was driving turned too fast and crashed into a pole and tree when he was turning. It was a very sharp turn and everyone in the car was like oh shit, oh shit, SHIT!

He was under peer pressure and tired to be cool but it turns out our life was almost taken away. Six lives was almost taken away lucky we had a second chance. We all learnt our lessons. Luckily we came out with very very minor injuries. All the people in the neighbor hood came out and we were scared that the cop would come so 2 of us walked to Inala while me and the other 4 stayed. 

The people who came out to look at the crash was so nice asking us if we were injured and if we need help. So I stayed back with the other three until the tow man came to pick the car that wasn't able to drive anymore. We had talks about why would we do this stupid thing and crash and the talk about the driving talk today didn't help us, instead it did the opposite thing of helping us. It made us crash by joking around about it.

Stayed there for like 2 hours waiting for parents and the tow man to arrives. We were like what happens if the two fireman came and said something like "Didn't I see you today and weren't you the doctor?" LOL Afterward we all went home. Then Kapow, I woke up and it was all just a dream but it seems so realistic. I thought everything really did happened to me. My head started to hurt abit when I woke up dunno why though.Luckily this is all a dream, felt so real man. I don't want  to have this kind of dream again.    

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Boy Meet Girl

A day with no school today :) So my bro woke me up today thinking I have school but I didn't sigh. I wanted to sleep in but meh. Brought flights tickets for my grandpa who will be arriving in Brisbane tomorrow which means I will have to clean up my room and move out for the time being.

Went and took a nap later on then Td called me saying that he is outside and is picking me up to go to Inala with Jack and Toan. Sigh, I wanted to get some sleep, so I hurried and got changed then went to Inala. Chiled at Tony's with Jack and Td. Toan came then went in the resturant and saw Ronnie and his sister eating there too. I wasn't hungry so I just got something light to eat. Afterwards we chilled at Tony's for quite some time then Td and I went to take the bus home cause it was super duper humid and hot. Turns out our bus comes in 2 hours so we didn't want to wait so we walked home in this  burning heat. 

Played Sf with Td at my place then Toan came. Went over to Toan's to watch a movie but we only watched a bit then KFC we went but Toan went off somewhere so we only went with his sisters and Mymy.


School today was so boring, all we did was chilled in our first two lesson and went to get our ticket to formal. Tony drove Thuan, Vinh and I to inala then we met Hoc, Alex and Kevin Le in the restaurant so we ate with them. Went home after and just chilled in the aircon.

Got ready to formal then Hoa and Vinh picked me up. Hopped in the car and saw Vinh wearing the exactly same shirt as me. Gee gee. He copied me first. Hoa drove us to Tien for $5 pp. Had the pre formal there. Took photos and ate then the limo arrives. Took more photos then we saw this kid from the next door neighbor trying to be a ninja taking photos of us. Afterward everyone went into 3 different limo. 

I was in the limo with Ronnie, Lyhn, Hong, Randy and Vinh. Got to the place and I tipped Mr Campbell $5 since he opened the door for us but he gave me the money back  so I forced him to take it by putting it in his pocket then running off. Got inside and chilled with Jack, Denne and Vinh.

The food was alright. Dance was squishy and tight but we danced. I was scared that I would step on a girl dress but I didn't. Chilled around and took photos. The awards came out for the best Photo bomber, Facebook addict, Drama King/Queen, Most famous etc. I got the Ninja award cause I'm a real Ninja hehehe. Took photos and dance and more dance. It was then time to go home so Tai drove Leon, Cindy and I home. Thank you Tai ! And now I'm at home blogging and regretting I didn't go to post. Well, too late now.

Monday, November 14, 2011


YAY ! No more exams in high school ever more. Totally wing'ed the chem exam but hopefully I will pass overall. I'm already bored at home already. Went to Inala and ate with Myvy and Phi then chilled with Toan and Tony for a while then home I went. My bro went and brought Transformer 3 so I watched it again. It's still good after watching it for the second time. Parents also watched the fighting scene with me. Watched Monkey Magic (Vietdubs LOL) later on. The new one isn't as good as the old one but it's Monkey Magic so it is a must watch.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

My reason

Went to youth group and I kinda loss my voice. Had to yell out "Quiet Please" so many timess since the my students was being so noisy and off track. Played Simon said with them and I made them say "Lam is awesome" YAY ! I just found out I'm really awesome now muhahaha. Took them outside for some training but then we only did a bit and they were all saying can we play games then I was like fine alright. They all wanted to play bush rush in the sun and I was like no, it's so hot today we are not gonna play. I didn't want the kids to get dehydrated so I brought them back into my special room which have aircon YAYERS. Went home and just spent my boring day sleeping/lappy. Last exam tomorrow and I'm completely winging it. Not gonna study for it one single bit. Hopefully I will do fine but I doubt it since this is like the hardest exam out of all the exams.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Flames of the Dragon God

 I have no plan on dying. I ain't gonna let anyone die. We're all going home together. Home to Fairy Tail.
Join together the flames of a dragon and the flames of a god! Dazzling Blaze... of the Dragon God !
Stayed home today and just sat on my lappy doing nothing. Trimmed my hair since mum was like you need to cut it. Went to Church and there was fireworks YAY. We had to wear our youth uniform and took care of the kids. Ate there and we (the group I went out with yesterday) went to Just Soy Cafè again LOL. But this time there was other people with us. Daniel, Hoa, Alan and Jacqueline

Brought deserts then walked over to maccas to eat there. We went back to Mymy's place but Alan and Jacqueline went home while us people just play Wii games. First it was Wii fit and it was hilarious then we went to Mario kart then Guirtar heroes. Daniel, Td and I walked over to Kevin's Le's house to see if he have just dance. Sadly he didn't but we chilled there for a bit. While going to Kle's we were being ganster LOL ahahah.

Friday, November 11, 2011

11/11/11 of the 11/11/11

 WOO HOO 11/11/11 11/11/11
 Went to Td's place then walked to PCYC to gym. Met Kt there lol. Went back to Td's then walked to Inala. Met David, Blake and Leon there but they didn't stay at Inala with us. Met up with Tanya and Loan later. So the four of us went to eat. Walked the girls home then Td and I showered at my place then went to church.

Went over to Mymy's and we were meant to practice our dance/movies but we just procrastinated and Youtubed. Went for dessert afterward at Just Soy Cafè. Mymy drove us and we had six people LOL. Linda, Td, Tanya, Loan, me and Mymy. Fitted 4 of us in the back. Drove and put our heads down when we saw a police car haha. Went for a walk around Sunnybank just to kill time. oh btw I made two wishes today. I needa go to the bank and check if one of them came true and the other wish was my little secret LOL


Got rapped in the ass by Maths C. Came home and I didn't really know what I was doing. Time just went by so fast and now I'm here trying to study for Physics.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hate you hate you

Today I was meant to study for Maths C but I didn't. Instead I just slept during the most of the day since I was didn't had much sleep since Sunday. The results of this is me staying up tonight studying. I don't get a single thing in MAC and I just found out what the topics are. I'm so screwed.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Beautiful Target

 Three exams down.... three to go.
Stayed back at School with Jason and David. Left our bags with Mande, Randy and Duyen then head to Subway for some yummies. Met Daniel there and he tagged with us back to school. Chilled there with the group then Hannah came.

Got to Inala and walked around with Huy, Daniel, Tanya and Toan. Tanya and I called Td to come and he did. Loan came afterward. The other guys went home so David, Tanya, Loan and I chilled there till 5ish and ate tofu hmm yum!  Later on Td and I walked Tanya and Loan home then we went back to my place and rest for abit.

Went over to Kevins for pizza since it was cheaper tuesday today. Ate a whole box of pizza each. Stayed there and just play TVE.

Later on Td and I Went over to Mymy's after. And so Mymy, Td, Linda and I Linda started to practice our dance moves. Learnt 16 seconds of Boyfriend. Procrastinate so much hahaha. The moves was trippyish. We were missing two members since they were busy about today so we didn't really concentrate on the dance much.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Like Birds

 ^Some weird as creature. Must be a mutant or some crap.
One exam down....5 more to go. Went to Inala afterward with Ronnie and we met Td there. We walked across this strange creature. It looks like a spider with a moth wings on it but i don't know what it was. I took a picture of it but it was gross. Was gonna touch it with something but I was scared that it could fly and land on me so we just walked away from it. Ate Maccas and chilled for awhile. Came across Thuan and Natalee at the bus stop then I went home. Got home and mum took me to Centrelink and then back to Inala. I really really wanted to sleep but I couldn't since she took me back to Inala and went and did her shopping. 

Two exams tomorrow and I should study now. Good luck guys

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Ass Back Home

What the coconut thing looked like

 What is really inside of it.
After Youth group we headed to Inala to eat/drink/chill. We split up into two groups. The oldies and the youngies. Oldies went to Pho 99 to eat while we went to Maccas and BBT. Mymy and I went around all the supermarket to search for a certain drink. Didn't find it but I found this coconut drink that was in a toy plastic coconut. I was tempted to buy it because of it cuteness. It didn't taste that good, just tasted like coconut water. After I drank it I cracked the coconut open and found out that there was a popper in it. Turns out I have been drinking out of a popper that I could have got for $1 cheaper. So the plastic coconut thing was $1. I was scammed bro.

Afterward we met up for Sugar cane drink then chilled. Then Thang and I went to Toan's to rest/play since I didn't want to go home to do my English.

Came home and still didn't do English. Looks like it's time to start now.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Cleansing Cream

Went over to Mymy's and watched Gnomeo & Juliet. It's just like Romeo and Juliet except that it was kiddish and had a happy ending instead of a tragic one. Chilled around there after the movie then off to Maccas we went. Afterward we went to Ai-van's place and knocked on her down then ran back into the car. On our way reversing out of her house she drove in and we were like oh shit hahaha.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Ready to go

Went to a family dinner thingo at Buffet Garden at Sb. We just ate and ate as usual. I was bored and decided to pull a prank on the family. So what I did was went to the counter and asked for a cake. I told them that it was my uncle birthday and asked them to bring a cake for him. The birthday song came up and a lady with the cake misplaced my uncle for Liem HAHAHAHA. I lol'ed so hard. Everyone one at the table was like "is it really your birthday Liem? " When it's really isn't his brithday LOL. I mucked around too much nowdays. Then I overheard my uncle talking to the family about revenge on me by getting me a cake so I decided to bring all the kids to Funhouse and look after them. HAHAHA My awesome escape worked. 

Went around Funhouse and played as usual then walked around shopping. Went into Kmart (Cause it was the only store that was still open) and went looking for a new shoe. Went to the shoe sections, and the men sizes was way to huge for me.... :( so I went to the kids sections and they were too small for me, again :( so I had to go to the girls sections and buy a shoe from there. Why must my feet be sooo small? WHY!? At least the shoe looks like a boy and girl shoe. Was gonna plan to get more things but the parents called and told us that it was home time. So home we went.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Round and Round

Woo, had my last Chem, Ipt and Maths C lesson today. No more of them forever YAY ! Just another 4 more lessons tomorrow and I'm done with normal schooling. Then the week after blocks is gonna murder me.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Shanghai Romance

Today, I basically didn't study anything at school. Read manga's in Ipt and Physics and bludged around in English. Chem was just One Piece talks with Thuan.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


After church we had another movie night at the usual place. This time it was paranormal activity 2. It wasn't as scaring as number one. I was not even scare one single bit. Mymy drove Thang, Td, Linda and me home and something happened in the car. We were taking about scary things and the light suddenly went on and off and we thought Mymy pressed a button to turn it on. Turns out it was a door that wasn't shut properly hahaha.

 We won't have another movie night soon cause of exams and some are going to Sydney. Next time we will watch something scarier or happier