Friday, November 18, 2011

I'll remember you, Seniors 2011

Take care my friends be safe and don't die. Live in Eternal Happiness and pursue your dreams to it maximum limits. We will be friends forever.  Seniors 2011 Forever !

I can't believe today was our graduation day. It seems like that I've only started high school last week. It went by so fast. That five years of High School was boring at times but the time was precious indeed. That time was one that I would never forgotten in my whole entire life. The time spent studying, playing, talking, mucking around, getting in trouble, sleeping, tucking in shirts, fixing up ties, stealing and returning things, trolling teachers and friends and that time when we had Grade 11 Camp and Formal was something that I would never do again except for just remembering about it.

Went to school today feeling as it was a normal day at school but in the end it wasn't. People were tearing up and I just sat there trying to hold it in.
We had our Graduation Ceremony and had speeches and so on. There was so fail in the ceremony since half of my form class didn't have seats and had to sat on the walk way. Fail ! but we still continue the ceremony as if nothing had happened. We went up by form class to get our graduation. I was meant to get prefect attendance but instead for excellent attendance for some reason I do not know but I don't really care about that. Afterward the principal did an amazing rap for us which was pretty awesome I must say. The deputy dismissed us one by one by form class and went out to the Guard of Honour (Made by the grade 11's but it was pretty shit compared to our Guard of Honour we did last year LOL) 

Alot of people started to tear up and I hugged alot of friends. Went over to A block and heard that some people didn't get their graduation sheet in the folder but instead they received a bill to pay for what they needed to pay over the last 5 years LOL. fricken Corinda aye hahaha.

Afterward Kiet, Myvy, Teresa and I went to Sunnybank and went shopping for abit then we met up with the others. Went over to Market square to eat but everyone went to eat something Kiet and I didn't want to eat (we were sick of those kind of food), so we ditched them but they force us to come with then, so we quietly ran away then walked to Little Taipei for steak but when we got there we saw the group walking out from there so we quickly went into this medicine shop and waited for the group to go somewhere else. Hmm Steak YUM ! It was pretty cheap and worth it compared to Little Hong Kong, where the others ate. Afterward Kiet and I went over to pick up the others but they haven't finish eating yet so Myvy, Kiet, Teresa and I walked back to funhosue and played Dayturner. Parted ways with Teresa and we kept waving at her since we will barely see her anymore. Got the bus to city and then, Myvy and Kiet left us to go home.

Went to topz and just Funhouse there for awhile. Hannah and I went and play this zombie shooting game. It was hard as. Our hands got tired after playing it. Died to a massive ugly boss. Later on we all went to Qcity to sing.

Then We left Hannah, Steven and Vinh and head to South Bank to swim cause I wanted to swim so bad man. Walked around in the heat and I was pretty exited that I'm gonna swim. First thing I did when we got there was took my shirt, pants and shoes off and jumped into the pool. After a while I convinced Kevin Le to join me and he did. Ronnie, Lynn, Vinh, Hong, Tuan and Randy just chilled by the side. Randy got pushed in and went abit argo cause his pants got wet. Kevin and I swam in our Strang pants like a baus bro. Advertising the pants for Damon already LOL.  

Hong and Lynn went home while the other five of us walked to city so Kevin and I can dry ourself. Got there and just ate then home we went. When we got back to Inala, Kevin and I walked Tuan home in our Strang pants since it was still wet and sandy. More advertising in Inala LOL. 

Got home and saw my cousin playing on my laptop. I convinced my dad to let me drive him home. The last time I drove was last year. It has been quite a while now. Dad was in the car telling me to slow down when I'm going 40 when it was on a 50 road. Sigh, I don't like driving with him but I have to since mum was taking a shower. My skills are still perfect hahaha. The graduation still hasn't kicked in yet. I'm still thinking that I still have school on Monday just like nothing had happened today. It will kick in on Monday when I wake up early to get ready for school when I don't have school anymore.

Here are some photos that was taken
Advertising at it finest 
 Swimming so is fun in this heat
 Strang Pants FTW !

This is quite a long post guise. Soz about that but alot happened today. Ima go add teachers on Facebook now byeee~!

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