Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Beautiful Target

 Three exams down.... three to go.
Stayed back at School with Jason and David. Left our bags with Mande, Randy and Duyen then head to Subway for some yummies. Met Daniel there and he tagged with us back to school. Chilled there with the group then Hannah came.

Got to Inala and walked around with Huy, Daniel, Tanya and Toan. Tanya and I called Td to come and he did. Loan came afterward. The other guys went home so David, Tanya, Loan and I chilled there till 5ish and ate tofu hmm yum!  Later on Td and I walked Tanya and Loan home then we went back to my place and rest for abit.

Went over to Kevins for pizza since it was cheaper tuesday today. Ate a whole box of pizza each. Stayed there and just play TVE.

Later on Td and I Went over to Mymy's after. And so Mymy, Td, Linda and I Linda started to practice our dance moves. Learnt 16 seconds of Boyfriend. Procrastinate so much hahaha. The moves was trippyish. We were missing two members since they were busy about today so we didn't really concentrate on the dance much.

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